Monday, November 28, 2022

Chew on This

 Despite the odd couple of weeks we've had, since my friend is currently unemployed, we've still been taking pictures of interesting stuff. So let's try and cheer us up with some fun comments.

How can it be both Bubble Gum and Cereal? I wonder if it's "chewy"? We saw this at the Dollar Tree store, and I don't know why we didn't just get some out of curiosity. I mean, it wouldn't have been much to try it. At least we got a picture. It was probably good because the next time we went there, it was all gone.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Today is What?

 Let's take a break from our worries with some pictures I took a while ago.

This plaque is oddly vague about what it implies, but if you needed any kind of inspiration for whatever; today is the day. Maybe it's the day for checking out my silly pictures, at least.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Halloween Cheer-Up

 Who's Ready for some Halloween pics? Despite my friend's sad situation (he lost his job a few days ago. No drama involved; they simply closed his whole department. Maybe I'll elaborate on that some other time) that wasn't going to stop us from roaming around to ironically get some scary pictures to try and cheer us up.

Google-eyes in those two upstairs windows are enough to make this whole house cute. Already cheered-up a little bit.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Picture M.A.S.H.

Another mash-up of pictures with fun thoughts from a little pony.

Wow a M.A.S.H. Jeep! This shiny thing looked pretty new, so either they have kept it in pristine condition, or Jeep is selling auto-sized merch from a series that aired from 1972-1983! To be fair, the show is part of TV history and worthy of this type of merchandise.