Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Met part 4

Part 4 of our trip to The Met takes us through the art gallery. We could have taken many more pictures here!

I really should read the little descriptive plaques next to these things. This red-squibbles piece was interesting. of course that's not it's real name it's just what I thought of right now.

Click the "Read more" for artsy pics!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Met part 3

Did I mention there are going to be 7 parts to my Metropolitan Museum trip? It's just that it's such a big place! Anyway I'll be posting them a little quicker maybe one part every couple of days...

Over in the medieval section of the museum, there were many suits of armor on display. This guy looked particularly mean but I'm sure he was a nice guy under this thing.

Click on the "Read more" to check out more medieval stuff!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Met part 2

Part 2 of my trip to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, American history stuff!
Minty crossing the Delaware River with George Washington? This painting was huge, it was like the whole wall big. Click on the "Read more" to continue the tour.

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Met part 1

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is locally referred to as "The Met" because, well... it's a lot easier to say? Not to be confused with the Baseball team The Mets? Anyway we went and took A LOT of pictures so I'll be sharing some fun museum adventures!

Part 1 of our adventures into the past takes us through ancient Egypt. Here's a stone relief of Anubis hanging out with some other cool guy.

click on the "Read more" to check out more Egyptian coolness?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Let It Go!

My new friend Elsa the Snow Queen came to visit! She came over from someplace called Disney Infinity. That's a fun video game where you use figures on a portal and can play with all sorts of Disney characters.

Here we are in the woods behind our apartment. In case you haven't seen the movie Frozen, Elsa has the ability to make ice and snow. That's not exactly a "spoiler" so go watch the movie already! It's really good! She brought along a lot of snow today!

 Check out the snow piled up in our front door! Elsa said the cold never bothered her anyway.

Here's another "cool" picture walking around outside with Elsa.

I asked Elsa if she wanted to build a snowman and she told me to go away? Haha that might be a tiny spoiler but not much. The songs in the movie are really good. You might not be able to tell from this photo but there is about a foot of snow behind us and it's still snowing!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Xmas Wrap-Up

Here's a collection of random pictures we took while out shopping and stuff for the holidays?

I can't believe no pony got me this for Christmas! We saw it during that awkward time when you want to get it for yourself right away, but it's too close to Christmas and somepony might have gotten it for you, so you should wait and see...

Click on the "Read more" to see some more pictures with fun stories!