Thursday, April 17, 2014

They Sell What?

Sorry for the long delay since the last post, thanks for still checking up on me! Yep I'm still grabbing random pictures while out shopping so I can share with everypony! This batch of pictures will obviously be a sharing of wondering what's going on?

 Let's start out the ridiculousness with something that sounds pretty ridiculous? Air. In a can. That's it.

Click on the "Read more" to see what other funny things we found?

I've said before that I don't drink, so I'm not exactly endorsing anything here. But it's funny to see licensed merchandise that's unusual. Any pony who's seen the Anchorman movies will recognize this lovable character? Does it fit the movie's character more because it's on sale?

Always fun to see what names they give to brand-name-equivalent products. What exactly does a mountain lion taste like?

Sock T. Pus? Aww! The store Francesca's always surprises me with fun stuff like this.

A woofing thermometer is fun enough but what we really liked was the "more accurate than Mom's hand." quote on the back. Here's a hint: don't insult your customers?

Award for Most Incredible Thing We Saw Recently goes to this dog chew toy of a severed Mickey Mouse head complete with blood-red streamers coming out of the neck. Um,... yikes?

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