Thursday, November 20, 2014

Golden Pony Corral

Hi Little Ponies! Who doesn't like going to a buffet restaurant? All the food you can eat?! Yeah, living like ancient royalty! One night my friends "dragged" me to a Golden Coral and I thought it would be fun to take pictures of all the stuff I ate?
Here's the entrance. Don't click on the "Read more" if you are hungry right now.

Here's plate #1, pot roast and nachos. You can't order this combo in any other restaurant that we know of. Score for the buffet!

Plate #2 is a "salad" which is just an excuse to get a mountain of 1000 island dressing. Usually I pile it high with black olives but they were nowhere to be found today so mostly just the 1000 island here.

Next up is some steak and cheese fries! Also missing that night was the french fries, which we pour cheese all over. Instead we went with MUCH healthier cauliflower. Some ponies out there will be surprised and happy

This particular Golden Coral knew to put the soup bowls NEXT to the ice cream. The other trick to know is to use the marshmallow on a stick to drip the chocolate fountain onto your ice cream. Usually we get two bowls of ice cream but that night we were "good" and only had one.

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