Thursday, April 20, 2017

What's Up?

Hey back with some more pictures about what we've been up to and stuff...

Can you believe Build-a-Bear Workshop had actual MINTY ponies!? There was no way we were walking out of there without one! They got my eye colors wrong and the cutie mark is a bit off, or maybe MY eyes and cutie mark are not right? Anyway, it's pretty exciting considering we've not been on the new show AT ALL and they are like 7 seasons of episodes!

Click on the "Read more" below for some pictures you know!

Here's something you probably didn't know about, but this fall get hyped up to see some ponies in a movie theater near you!

 Puppy sitting for our friends who live in the woods. Still all winter-y big old mess of twisted up wood.

Our friends have a "normal" house but the one at the end of the street has a moat and gargoyle and stuff. It's an odd normal and rich person neighborhood?

This tree has all kinds of weird knots on it. Hope it's okay?

We recently got a New 3DS which is noticeably smaller than our old "not-new" 3DS. Oh well, it fits in a pocket better and we can use Amiibos on it, so it's okay I guess.

Sam and Dean Winchester plushies!! Sooooo cute! 

Nopony's birthday, we just wanted some desert so we decided to get a Carvel Ice Cream Cake. Sometimes you just gotta treat yourself! 

Pigeon Party! There was A LOT of them. One car drove past them and they just sat there. They were so cool like whatever. 

 Transformers Itty Bitties at Hallmark. Super cute but they don't transform so not too exciting for fans?

Haha Ketchup at a restaurant, I wonder how it tastes?

You remember this stuff? Still had some snow pictures. Trying to clean off the car and made a nice cave up here. 

The night before, when the snow was still soft, we cleared the way for our car. The next morning it looked like a plow had re-piled the snow in front of us! And this was a solid block of concrete-hard ICE. It took us a half hour to chip away at this ARGH. The pile was twice as high before we thought about taking break and a picture.

Anypony see these? They replaced the Brawny dude with a woman to show strength and stuff. Limited Edition? Should we collect these for future value?

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