Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Community Garage Sale part 2

Okay we didn't go overboard with the pictures but here's another bunch from the town of Cranbury's garage sale. No, there is not a whole garage for the town it's like everybody's own garage sale at the same time.

It's so much fun to wander around people's yards without getting legally hassled. It was reminding us a little of Halloween? Nopony was giving away candy.

Continue the treasure hunt click on the "Read more" below!

Old Playmobil in those bags. We kinda wanted one of those horses but didn't really want the whole mess.

Awwww Yeah. Legos. Flea market gold. Mostly because we would recognize rare things maybe.

There's a Lord of the Rings Sauruman! That might have been a super treasure as he comes in a $200 set but that's the version of the character that came in the $10 set. Still cool to see him though.

Where would we stick it? But still wanted a Mojo Jojo sticker.

Is this the computer version of archaeology? Dig for the dinosaurs to put in the museum?

Haha not just Gross Jokes but "Savagely" Gross Jokes. Also, volume 21. Like where's the other twenty books yo?

Walking down the other side of the street and see the lake has a hidden skateboarding half pipe in it. That's the secret level on that one Tony Hawk Pro Skater game?

The water running down was hypnotizing. That log was stuck up there.

Public drinking fountain was the type that just ran down the side so you basically need to put your lips right on it and suck the water out. Gross.

What a quaint little town. I guess you can't really get ONE photo to capture the whole thing but this seems close.

Follow the tables into the back yard? These people practically begged us to take stuff but we didn't really need anything they had.

There's a comic shop here and they had a bunch of fun stuff to take pictures of. Can you turn up the volume on a picture? Because Ozzy Osbourne can only be listened to loudly.

These KISS figures were giant! Who has room for this kind of collectible? 

Chuck Norris pictures always get taken. Here's the old Atari game Chuck Norris Superkicks. Next to a um, brain in a bottle?

The amount of comics here is overwhelming. It looks like a very tiny shop but it's very packed with treasures.

Coincidentally my friend and his brother were recently trying to remember the name of Batman's dog. And here he is. It's Ace, the Bat Hound.

They told us we could have this enormous rug for free. But our apartment is so small we didn't think it would fit. 

This looked like it was from World War II? Calling all ships at sea.

FREE TABLE! No drawers in the front, which is probably why it's still here, and for free.

Bears in outfits! Who doesn't like bears in outfits?

Another ad for another rummage sale? At an airport in Princeton we've never had to explore? Spoiler alert, but we went to this. There'll be pictures later. 

Okay so they only wanted 10 cents each for these so we took them home, they looked very fresh and clean. We didn't really have a spot for them but how could we resist the price? We'll count them as souvenirs.

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