Saturday, July 18, 2020


Every day is a new adventure? I don't really feel bored even though I just stay home every day. The bike riding is on hold right now, the rear tire went flat and wouldn't you know, Apocalypse Hoarding includes replacement bicycle tire tubes? They are not easy to find right now. There's still random shopping trips and other pictures to share.

So we just beat the newest Shantae game for the Nintendo Switch, subtitled The Seven Sirens. How awesome is this completion time? There's now way we planned on this and what are the odds? We didn't rush through or anything, if you were wondering. And the best win screen expects you to have taken... less than four hours.

Ah, more pictures of the squirrels. Y'know, we don't have friends or family cooped up with us in our apartment during "these times", so the squirrels are all the company we can get. From the stories we hear about people driving each other crazy, we might be lucky in that situation, but still we'd like to try having someone trapped with us for a while.

It's hard to read that ribbon, but it says "dad joke champion" which is fun because isn't giving this to someone, sort of a "Dad Joke" itself? I know I'm not a dad but I'll start you off with one:
How many apples grow on trees?
All of them!

I'm not sure what the appeal of these enormous POP! Figures is. This thing is HUGE! Where would you even put this? I notice I ask a lot of rhetorical questions.

Hello Kitty can get away with this dress-up crossover merchandising thing, here with My Hero Academia. I doubt this will be a regular thing for Funko; to mix up one property with another. They do enough figures as it is, nobody needs to see [rolls dice] Jurassic Park Velociraptor as [rolls dice] Batman.

Whenever a bug flies onto the desk at work, we try to get it in the jar to release outside. Poor little thing is lost! Sometimes we keep it on the desk for a while, but if it looks like it's freaking out, we'll hurry the escape. We don't recognize what type of critter this is.

More fireworks readily available at Walmart. If they are selling them, how can you expect it to be illegal to use them? Shouldn't Walmart get in trouble just for selling these?

Bob Ross... cookbook? How do you expect to eat Happy Little Trees? Is that broccoli? You just cooked up some happy little trees!

Quick! Get this Pokemon a mask! AHHH!! Social distance! Keep away! Look at that snot hanging off it's nose! Somebody check it's temperature! Quarantine!!!! Two weeks! AHH!!!!!
Look how sad it looks...

Since we already bought expensive replacement controllers for our Nintendo Switch, we thought it might be fun to poke around the one with the sticky joystick to see if we could make it better. It was a lot harder than we thought, requiring us to buy a special screwdriver set with the tiny triangle head. And the casing around the analog stick had to be pried open! We couldn't clearly see where it was damaged, and by the time we put this all back together... well... now it's just totally broken. The joystick is permanently stuck in the "up" position. Ugh. It was a big hassle but we might try again later if we get bored enough.

Treated myself to some Dairy Queen one weekend. I'll take this opportunity to mention that we are big fans of the "serve the blizzard upside-down" thing, because when they do that, and it's not all dripping out of the cup, you just know it's good solid ice cream in there. Remember if they don't do that, they owe you a free one... or something, I forget.

We got Frosted Animal Cookie. And let me tell you, this thing was like, almost all cookies. There was tons of cookies in there. I felt like we ate the whole bag of cookies. And the best part was afterwards, there was like, cookies in between the teeth and we just got a lot of extra flavors for a while.

Since it was so hot outside we wanted a large drink, so we large-sized the combo. And thought it was the same price as the medium. Later we checked and sure enough these receipts show that our local McDonald's only has a 10 cent difference between the large and medium combo meal prices. We told out friend about this and they laughed about how McDonald's still puts about the same amount of fries in the large fry box anyway.

There was some noise outside and we checked to see somebody painting orange stripes on the ground all around. What's that all about? It's been several days and nothings been done around these lines yet.

Nuggs. We just like that word. The Party Pack says "around 50 nuggs, may vary." But if you do the math, regular price separately you'd get 40 for that price, so anything over 40 is extra savings, even if it's not an exact number of... nuggs.

Remember those giant almost-full-sized arcade cabinets you can buy for you home? If you are lucky, you might find them on clearance at Walmart for $50! That's the whole thing with like, the TV screen and all! This Walmart was all sold out.

At the Dollar Tree, saw this sign. When was there a national coin shortage? Is nobody emptying their giant filled-up jars anymore? Who knew that people would hoard coins at a time like this.

We found a replacement tub for the bicycle tire, it was the expensive $15 one filled with the gel that supposedly self-plugs leaks. So we fixed it and went out, got a picture of this cute bunny. It felt like the tire was going flat again so we weren't out for very long.

This was our big 4th of July treat. A Unicorn Gelato at Rita's. Zoom in on this add, and see that it DOES mention the extra charge for sprinkles, really tiny. So you won't wonder why it was so expensive like we did.

If you are going to treat yourself, don't worry about the price and just enjoy. Even though the bicycle is down, we still have the standing exercise bike at home to work off this type of treat. But again, it's a treat, so don't worry about that, either.

 Making more of our Wizard Scroll croissant wraps and noticed this funny ad on the side of the package. Who's the picky eater that approved this? Can we be picky about that? Can they get away with this type of thing?

 It makes us happy when we toast the pepperoni on crumpled aluminum foil, and see all of the grease that we did not consume. Some people would argue that there's flavor in there, but there plenty of other flavors in the pepperoni and croissants without all of this grease, too.

 In case you missed earlier postings, the Wizard Scroll is basically rolling up the meat in the croissant before you bake it. Here's pepperoni, but we've also done salami and roast beef. We even made an jus dipping sauce for the roast beef ones.

 Don't worry, the meat won't burn. And these things are all kinds of crispy tasty. So I don't mind re-advertising this recipe. What else am I taking pictures of these days?

 Took the bike out again but we are sure this self-sealing gel is just not working. Not a good ad for the failing gel gimmick. Only out for a bit, and got this one picture of this strange area of the forest that was cleared on the bike trail near the apartment complexes. It's just in a weird spot to be cleared like this, what could they possibly put here?

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