Monday, February 14, 2022


 Pictures! With fun comments! That's what I do. No theme here, just a bunch of pictures.

Happy Valentine's Day? Got a sad picture of a parking lot rose that had been run over. This holiday can be quite cruel for a lot of people. If you want, Minty can be your Valentine! I genuinely meant that in an attempt to be uplifting, but I'm also aware that might be a little cruel, too. I'm here for you to try and cheer you up with funny pictures and comments, so let's just stick to that.

Should we have a "spoiler alert" section in the toy aisles? That way, if you care about it, you could avoid it. Am I being hypocritical posting this picture from the newest Ghostbusters film? Maybe, but the movie's already been out for a while, and I saw this figure set well before I would have had a chance to see the movie first.

I'll be as nice as possible when I mention the newest Call of Duty game is unplayable. Their last game had a "feature" that shook the screen all the time, just like a bad action movie would. Turns out this makes -playing- a game nauseating. And I'm sad they kept that in the new game, despite all of the complaints they must have gotten. Sorry that turned into a rant of sorts, I'm just sad I guess. At least this time, I had a friend who gave us a promo code to try it for free. So at least I didn't waste any money on it.

One of the criticisms of the whole Pokemon world is that it's all about training your pets to fight each other. I won't get into that argument, but it's funny to see this poor Eevee on this card, looking like it wants to take a nap. Wake up! You have to bite something!

I spotted the giant Melissa and Doug giraffe plushie on another Marvel show; Hawkeye. And now I'm convinced it's somebody's "thing" they are sneaking into as many of these MCU projects as possible. Do I need to go back and watch all the 30 movies again to see if I can spot it?

Is there a hidden message in the little greedy goblin banker from Harry Potter being a Target exclusive? Like, none of the other stores need a greedy goblin banker figure. Only Target.

I just noticed a lot of the pictures this time have snarky complaints about 'em. It's just a coincidence, I'm normally not so grumpy-ish. Nothing wrong with these Star Trek The Next Generation action figures, but that very detailed Borg pictured on the package is definitely from a different show. Star trek for sure, but the Borg on TNG were not as detailed.

AH! A purely fun picture! I got this during the Xmas season, it's a pet... outfit. Adorable! I want a pet I can put this on!

Another funny Xmas picture. Putting wrapping ribbons on Twilight Sparkle is cute and all, is she the present? Wait... what's going on here?

If you thought mixing politics with your football was awful, how about mixing your politics with your ice cream, too? Unlike the football, you can easily pick a different flavor if you want. Or... purposefully pick the political ice cream, if that's the flavor you enjoy. No sneaky or clever inuendo needed, Colin Kaepernick's name is right on the package!

The iconic A-Team Van by Playmobil! Play the music while you assemble the pieces in your garage before the bad guys assault you. I love it when a plan comes together!

Playmobil with another great license, the Aston Martin BDS car! Oh, also James Bond to drive it, I guess. 

It was up there! The Playmobil Star Trek Enterprise is a whopping $400. The best part is that it's fully compatible with all other Playmobil sets since you could just pretend they visited a planet with whatever stuff on it.

Huh? The Toy Story Pizza Planet truck, but wooden, and on a Brave logo package? It took a moment to realize this is an "Easter Egg" they put in the movie Brave. So.... neat?

The Morning Glory store in Princeton had a figure from Fate: Grand Order. Which is cool to see in an actual store. BB is a good character, I almost got this just to encourage them to get more figures from the game, but I didn't.

There it is! The Lego Titanic. Considered the biggest Lego set ever produced. It was just released so of course it's sold out. Still awesome to look at it on display.

Tiger King figures? Did you watch it yet? I saw the series, it was alright. One of the crazy things they mention on the show is that there are more tigers owned illegally as pets, than there are in the wild. That's what they said.

Is this a paradox? No soup for you! But... it's a soup bowl. I suppose you just never serve soup in it. Just ice cream or cereal or something. No soup.

This Kurilakkuma is a dear! Um... deer! That sounded funnier in my head when I took this picture. I'm still going to post it.

I have to appreciate Minty swirls when I see them. How could I not get this picture? It's so "Me"!

Ohhhh. Because they are both Karate. And from the 80's. Sure Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Cobra Kai would go together. Though clearly those figures are from The Karate Kid movie, why use the Cobra Kai logo?

Another 80's thing. It's fun to look back and remember that there were good role models for girls back then. Both Scarlet and The Baroness were given every acknowledgement of being just as capable as the male characters from G. I. Joe. To someone involved; give yourself a big pat on the back for being so "modern" so long ago.

When I first saw this text on this Spider-Man shirt, I had a funny thought that kids today might not have even seen that 1st Spider-Man movie, where this quote was from. Later I saw an episode of The Brady Bunch, where Peter was being a snooping reporter, and the Father told him he had power, but that power comes with responsibility. The Brady Bunch was surely before the Spider-Man movie.

I feel like something is missing from this Mortal Kombat Sub-Zero ornament. [nervous laugh] If you don't know what's missing, I'll warn you... don't look it up!

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