Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Shell Factory part 2

The Shell Factory gift shop was so huge, and we took so many pictures! So enjoy some more fun super-tourist pictures?

I always wondered what that stood for! WTF everypony! WTF!

Click on the "Read more" below and WTF again!

They were trying to be clever with the trail in the parking lot, but these are not BRICKS.

Here's the nature trail with the animals. Totally flooded. We were kinda bummed out, but still had lots of fun in the giant gift shop.

Back to some shells in the gift shop! 

Wall of funny signs. Enjoy. 

 More funny signs.

Outside there was a zip line, you ride in this thing. Probably safe? 

Lake with turtles? Hi turtles!

Bumper boats! It was unusual for Florida to be too cold outside to give it a try... 

A Picture from outside to show how far in the distance the gift shop goes. We are in the middle so there's this much on the other side of us, too! 

My friend almost got his Mom one of these shell-covered tissue boxes, but he didn't think it would survive the trip home...

 Shell Church? Gotta get a picture of it!

This reindeer was all "Why you gotta be takin' my picture?" 

Don't munch on these gingerbread friends. 

They put shells over everything here? 

Another group of animals. Hi guys! 

Alligator deco figures. Because Florida. 

Take it home with you! Only tourists need this, the locals get this for free every day!

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