Thursday, August 2, 2018

Under The Road

Biking south down the Canal Park path. Further than we've been before, and found some cool stuff to take pictures of.

Excited to be under the highway but also more excited there seemed to be some artwork to check out under here. 

Click on the "Read more" below for some pictures of art and stuff.

Nice colored tag over there, but you see how it looks like it's been "scribbled over?" That's a serious dis' by the ponies who scribbled. And perhaps a little scary to see there might be a turf war of some kind brewing.

Jake doesn't know not to put his real name up there? Unless "Jake" is a code name? The stick-figure guys are kinda cute though.

Sorry for those lyrics written on the wall, but it was funny enough to get a picture of anyway.

Look up! There's a highway above us. Anypony do a photo scavenger hunt? Find where this sign is!

Nice, big, color, no-scribbles, this is pro work right here. Maybe unfinished because the blue is only in a few letters. It would be cool to come back later and see that it got more details added.

On the other side of the overpasses, we were approaching the walk-over bridge for Route 1.

This almost looks like a creepy temple entrance? Dr. Jones, I go no further! Just kidding, we went across the bridge.

Nice picture of the bridge. Ponies who drive down Route 1 might be familiar with this?

If you do need some kind of local landmark, looking north Quaker Bridge Mall is over there a ways on the right. Yeah we biked all the way over here!

South down Route 1 takes you to Trenton or we're like 15 minutes away from Pennsylvania.

I realized you're probably not going to be looking at the road since this metal cage around the bridge is quite overwhelming. 

We tagged the base, so to speak, on the other side of the bridge before turning around. There's a parking lot here so we could cheat a little and start off here if we wanted to drive the car. We don't have a bike rack but we could probably cram the bike in the car if we wanted to.

On the way back up the ramp we saw this simple smiley-face on the pipes give a clear "Yay!"

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