Monday, October 29, 2018

Happy Halloween 2018

It's costume time of the year so these Spirit stores pop up all over the place like zombies rising from the ground. They never have any costumes in my size but we like to go in and see what's interesting.

Now Hiring. I'm sure your boss won't be an evil Grim Reaper like the sign shows.

Nothing too spooky, click the "Read more" to see what's inside!

It's impressive enough that these stores appear out of nowhere every year, and they have to have new old farm tower displays like this, too!

Can we call this Bob Ross painting costume a "Happy Accident?" Shouldn't that guy's face be painted to match?

We might have taken a picture of the Reno 911 costume before, but it still made us remember how funny that show was. Also my friend said "I choose YOU" to the Pikachu. She should be prepared to hear that line all night long if she wears that costume.

This time of year is great for cosplayers because there is so much widely available pieces for you. Here's a whole selection of random Steampunk um,... gear.

From what we gather, some of the fun of Steampunk is randomly cobbling together metal pieces into fashion, but some ponies just don't have the time for that.

They have a whole house thing in the store? Of course we have to wander through that, how much creepyness awaits us inside?

The inside was filled with swirling fog and these lasers were slicing through it. It was really cool I wonder if we could just add this to our apartment somehow.

Sally and Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Giant animatronic singing statues. When the season is over you can put them away, and then say you have Skellingtons in your closet.

Not sure, but we think these Hocus Pocus POP! Figures are Spirit-store exclusives. Don't see any stickers on the boxes though.

Can we say sexy witch? See what we did there, with a "W" instead of a "B."

Two similar B-Witch jokes in a row? I heard the term "game-changer" in like three separate tv commercials in one commercial break the other day and the term "game-changer" lost all it's credibility. The home improvement store said it like 5 times in the same commercial.

Who wants a cute murdering psychopath keychain? A few of these characters aren't so bad.

Haha this made us laugh. Athough technically the Grim Reaper doesn't actually "kill" anypony, he just shows up afterwards.

Hugz The Clown: $209.99. Holding a sign that says "Free Hugz." Here's the part where the scary lawyer tries to get this thing for free.

Hur Hur those emoji costumes are crying because you decided to wear an emoji costume.

We're giving the "sexiest costume" award to this Pink Loofah. Buyers should prepare themselves for constant "let's take a shower together" nonsense all night.

Um, this is when Robin went through that one awkward experimental phase. Gotta hand it to Batman for being cool and supportive about it.

Whoa. For Halloween; it's a costume.... of a guy.... in a costume.... from a movie titled "Halloween." Mind blown.

 This happy War Time Doll reminded my friend of the Call of Duty WWII game.

 One major criticizm of the TV show Supernatural is the very generic name of "Supernatural." Pretty sure this is not official show merchandise but here's a regular non TV show supernatural wig.

 You can see this Trump joke coming from a mile away. It's so obvious, but I'm going to say it anyway. Are you ready for it? :Here's a couple of clown wigs.

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