Monday, April 8, 2019

2019 Toy Fair So Many Pictures

This is the last bunch of pictures from the 2019 New York Toy Fair. We saved some good ones, so it's not like the leftovers or anything.

Can you believe Crayola put this giant blank coloring puppy out for anypony to doodle on? Zoom in and check out "Veronica+Kasey+Tim" with a little heart/arrow design next to it. What's going on with that trio? I wonder what other kinds of doodles wound up on this thing.

Click on the "Read more" doodle for more pictures.

Of course here's Minty's doodle. I wonder if anypony got curious enough to check me out?

Paw Patrol caught me taking this picture and started waving at us.

The person at the bottom of the mini escalator stopped us from going up into the Mattel booth. What do they sell again? I think they don't care if we know. No need to get excited about anything there.

Here's a giant foam Robotori sitting next to some parked strollers. Not sure if this is a puppet or suit or what.

Sorry I blurred out your last name Chelsea. If this is a recognizable performer, or simply a talented employee taking the opportunity to play in NYC, it's nice any way you take it.

Frisbee Golf disc with a Laser Cat almost single-handedly made us want to get it and try out the sport.

Here's the goal for Frisbee Golf. Um, is it just called Disc Golf? How much to put one of these in your back yard? I bet it makes a cool sound when you hit the goal, but we were not going to start throwing discs around to try it out. That could be dangerous for the surrounding booths.

This guy was playing live music but on a little toy guitar. I think that's a toy. Check out the other guy recording a video of it.

Aw look at this big cute little kitty!

AH! It's an evil kitty! We thought there was a sensor and we were waving our hooves in front of it for a minute before the booth person pressed the button on her remote control.

It wasn't until we walked around all day that we stopped to pick up the guide, to look for things we might have missed. Rilakkuma was not listed this year.

You couldn't get in the Hex Bug booth, but out front they had the reigning BattleBots champion Bite Force. I wonder how many mega-bites that thing has had?

Un-repaired from the victory match, you could still see gouges in the metal teeth of this thing. Some other robot got chomped!

This demo guy was flipping these giant cups into the stack. Giant cups are toys? I guess you could do this with regular-sized cups, too. But those aren't toys, they're just cups.

Clickedy-clack go the marbles down this tower. If you bought enough of these things you could build this in your own home. Do you think there is like one kid somewhere who has done something like that?

Once again, Minty takes the stage in New York City! Nopony's stopping me.

We wandered into this little lounge area tucked away in a back corner. It felt a little odd back here, like an escape from something you shouldn't want to escape from.

That poor girl was trapped in the giant Slinky! She was dancing around so I think she was okay. Are they selling giant Slinkys you could walk around in, or was this a giant ad for regular-sized Slinkys?

 Here's this year's haul of swag. We didn't really ask for a lot of stuff but wound up getting some goodies anyway. Since we took this picture we got to try out the Risky Itzi game and it was a lot of fun. And there was a glowing bug thing that was for some kind of board game, along with that avocado guy. Those raccoon and owl clips were from that crane game we could have cleared out if we wanted to. Let's see... there's a couple of Playmobil characters and probably the best one was the Toy Fair Exclusive car, since it's been a few years since we've seen a show exclusive anything.

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