Friday, April 19, 2019

The Not-So-Distant Past

Back to some plain-old random pictures, that we gathered while the Toy Fair batches were going on. A lot of these are from a while ago!

Saw this ad on TV for this tiny camera on your sunglasses. There are some people out there who never take their sunglasses off for the picture, but you should always take off your sunglasses for the picture!
Unless of course, now you are taking the picture WITH the sunglasses.

You're totally not a creep wearing these. Maybe a spy? Click on the "Read more" below for more fun.

In a previous Pokemon game we named our Swanna "Quaxi" because the Swanna learns Fly, Surf, and Dive, so like a Taxi we would ride it around everywhere. When we got it in the Pokemon Shuffle game, we thought it was extra funny it gets a bonus for making "T-shaped" matches! How could they know about our Taxi thing?

The Captain Marvel movie was okay, but we were excited to see a keyring for Agent Coulson here. They have so much for the movies but hardly any merchandise from the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Show.

A Valentine's Day clearance sale saw this Darth Vader card mailbox with woefully inappropriate, borderline criminal, almost-not-funny-but-then-extra-funny text on it. A psychotic "It is your DESTINY to be mine!" and then "It is pointless to resist!" Also funny that this literally had a RED FLAG on it.

Our favorite character Nomad from Call of Duty:Black Ops 4 gets a Mega Construx figure! But his special weapon is an attack dog, how could they not include that? Where's Juneau?

I don't really remember why we took this moon picture. I think it was like the first moon of the Spring so it was a Blood Wolf moon or something? Should I be taking notes for these pictures?

In case you didn't get enough of the Toy Fair pictures, we were flipping through the Funko catalog and I thought we were going to post these with the other pictures but I guess not. POP! is doing buildings now? Who has room for this? Get it... room?

This is a little teaser for projects they are working on. They probably get advance access to the movies to make these thing. Lucky.

Hercules:The Legendary Journeys and Xena:Warrior Princess are some favorite olde shows and it was fun to see they are planning POP! Figures for them.

Okay yes it's Lip Gloss. But calling it "Taste Squad" and making the package a pile of poop is contradictory, right?

Okay somebody KNOWS they did this on purpose, and we are busting them on it. One of those characters is "Extra Hot" and seriously with the "Cherry" Pop-Tart? Who wants to take the Cherry? Yeah, they know what they did.

Not so obvious and totally coincidental, there is an anime term for the word "Trap" where a boy is dressed up as a cute/hot girl. So we laughed when we saw them advertise there was a Leprechaun Trap on the back of this box. They certainly had no idea about that one.

OMG it's the Michael Jordan of POP! Figures!

Simpson's really gets those background gags right. As Toys R Us fans, we were hit right in "the feels" by this Toys Were Us gag.

Later in the same Simpson'e episode, a cameo from Professor Farnsworth in the background. Notice his non-yellow skin color.

This picture was taken on Feb 24th and it was our first Shamrock Shake for the season. Is it a nice memory, or torture to see this now, that you can't get one until next year?

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