Saturday, September 10, 2022

More Trippy Pics

 Travel pics! On our trip down to Virginia we got a bunch of random pictures. So this is pretty normal for the Minty Blog but this time it's a little farther away from our normal randomness.

Wendy's drive thru. Hot and crisp fries every time? Nope! The fries were soft. Busted! We usually get baked potatoes at Wendy's but thought it would be easier to get fries. So the first time we try the new "Hot and crispy every time" fries, they were not very crispy. Sorry Wendy's, but you did this to yourself. If you promise me crispy fries, I have a right to blast you when I get soft fries, especially the first time I try them. Now I feel like... I can't trust Wendy's at all! Sure I probably could have gone back, and they would have gotten me fresher ones, they might have even been nice about it... but this is a drive thru! Who's going to turn around and re-wait in a line?!

Noticed this nice display of Hot Wheels cars and wondered if there was a way to praise the WalMart employee who did this. Usually Hot Wheels cars are piled into a big messy bin and you have to dig to see if there's any cool ones. And I usually don't have time for that nonsense. This was in Delaware, I think.

FUDDRUCKERS! Blown away by the meal at the new location in Virginia Beach. I mean, we generally love Fuddruckers, but this was all that and more! I mean, fresh sliced jalapenos! Not the pickled kind they usually have. Which are okay, but these were way better. They were even "hot" jalapenos, sometimes the fresh ones vary on how hot they actually are, and these were the "good kind!" So much yum.

A friend had a can of the Dreamworld flavor Coca-Cola for us to try! It's one of those "mystery" things where they don't really tell you what the flavor is. It's supposed to taste like "Your Dreams!" After sipping it carefully, the thing it reminded us of is totally pineapple Life Savers. You know; the candy? So yeah, very good.

Yo dawg, we heard you like bags! So we put a bag... in your bag! A friend let us try some of this Crispy Fruit dried mango snacks, and I gotta say; it was amazing. With fun little-bags-in-big-bag packaging.

These flip flops looked like bikini bottoms to my friend, it made him laugh. He's not trying to be any kind of fashion critic, just being a little too honest with his reaction. Sometimes you gotta keep that kind of thing to yourself! Don't be too sensitive, he said it's cool they look like bikini bottoms.

So... many... games... to play! Random Halloween decoration in the garage is hoarding a pile of video games.

This faded window decal makes me appreciate how they named the character from the movie Detective Pikachu, instead of just simply Pikachu. With the hat and all, he's totally recognizable as his own character rather than just being a generic pokemon.

Cook Out! Another awesome lunch in Virginia from a place we don't have in New Jersey. 

Is it more cute, or annoying, that they named this blind box series Kwistal Fwenz instead of Crystal Friends? More CUTE obviously! Should we also say My Wittle Powny? These things were adorable, and I probably would have gotten a few, except they were $17 each! Are those Swarovski crystals? That's kind of outrageous for a blind box figure, you think? I passed, but looking at this picture I think maybe I should have gotten at least one. They did look very cute.

Jolyne Cujoh from the most-recent season of Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure! A little like the Dr. Who series, they change main character "Jo Jo"s and this time it's a girl who is trapped in a prison after being framed. How is it possible for the series to get better and better each season? THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!! Hahaha; it's part of the show to over-react to everything.

Nice effect on this figure of the sword becoming visible. For the Fate series, you're not quite sure which historic figure this Servant is at first, since her sword is invisible. But at a certain dramatic moment, it's revealed as... you know what? If you don't know, I'm not going to spoil it for you.

I hear there's a new season on Konusuba, I think? Or are they working on it? I can't remember. But this figure of Aqua reminds me it was a great show and I need to remind myself to check if there's more of it to watch.

Store merch! You know you got a good store when you can buy a t-shirt to give them some free advertisement. Ouch!

MASH! She's kind of the main character in the Fate: Grand Order series. Except you. I guess your character is the main character, but Mash is the main character, too.

Much like the original Star Trek series, The Orville can get fresh stories from other things like comic books. So even though the series is no longer being produced, we can enjoy more of it!

Really? C'mon Chun-Li. That's a little exessive for a statue pose. Good luck explaining you bought this because you are a fan of Street Fighter, and no other reason.

Dark Tower! We already got one of these from a friend (with the rest of the board game), but really all you need is this tower to turn on and listen to the cool sound effects. it was like a video game/board game combo.

The Bishoujo series of figures are usually quite amazing. Here's an anime girl based of of the My Little Pony character Luna, and it even comes with an anime-style pony, too. So pretty! These things retail for around $130, even though I couldn't find an price tag on this one, it was very tempting. I think in this case the quality and artistry would be worth it. They've done several other MLP characters in this style.

More random anime figures. I was trying to think of something to say about these, but everything I think of sounds all "judge-y". I'm about as stunned as you would be if you went to somebody's house and saw one of these on display. Like, what would you even say about it?

I've been to this model train store a bunch, and this time I was hanging out with somebody who had never been here, so let's go walk around a train store!

Can anybody nail down this time period by the laundry sign that says "Shirts 19¢"? Anybody know about what year that would have been?

Just when my friend was commenting about how he's not really into model trains, we spot one based off of the classic big-eyed aliens he likes. And all of a sudden it's like; hold on a second, let's give this some more thought!

The Three Stooges... beer? I feel like I've already taken a picture of this before, but it's still funny, and maybe I didn't, so let's get a picture either way.

Does a Star Trek train even make sense? They wouldn't really need trains in Star Trek... at all!

That circluar-stlye ad thing reminded me of something, but I'm not sure what. Like, those things are somewhere... but I can't remember where. I must have seen it in a movie, maybe? Isn't memory funny sometimes?

Look at these super-super small people! There's different sizes of trains and N Scale is like, the smallest size. So they need these people to be very tiny to go along with 'em.

Castles and old houses, but I'm looking at that parking garage behind me and it really makes me feel huge! Minty SMASH! Hahaha

Pony 'fridge magnets! I like how Rainbow Dash, in an effort to blow-off her friend, gave a quick review of an outfit as needing to be "...about 20% Cooler" and that became a total catchphrase. Now it must constantly remind her, in that moment, she was kind of a bad friend. Although poor Rarity should have known that Rainbow Dash was not going to give good fashion opinions in the first place.

Is this worth anything?! Here's an Episode 1 figure of Mace Windu. In that Star Wars movie, they never showed him use his light saber, so they gave the action figure a blue one. But in Episode 2, he clearly has a unique PURPLE lightsaber! They did make a ton of Episode 1 figures, and my friend commented that he might already have one of these in an attic somewhere. Still fun to see the error.

How adorable! It doesn't matter that Jack Jack seems out-of-scale, since he has random powers and growing bigger could be one of them.

Classic video game console controllers as door mats! Can this be like Dance Dance Revolution where you step on them to use them? Would that be fun?

They now sell a retro-style console that will play games from multiple different old systems. It's like some kind of crazy alternate universe magic!

This Mad Magazine artist's sound effect words are just as funny as his drawings. Anybody remember Mad Magazine?

Oh no! Look at that big scary face on that thing! RUN! I mean, I was fine with the massive cannon and lumbering tracks. But that face! That's the thing that makes you want to run away!

There's just cool layered upon cool with this character. She's got an eyepatch like a pirate, a mechanical wolf, space armor on top of a bikini, a giant sword-thing despite her wolf having a cannon on its shoulder she's fine with just a sword. I have to find out what show this is from and see if she's as cool as she looks.

It's been a few years since they've done the Toy Fair in New York, so seeing this Cobi tank was neat. Typically I see this type of thing in their booth at the Toy Fair, it's unusual to find Cobi sets in an actual store.

Various anime characters going for a ride in that car in the parking lot. My camera has added a lense flare rainbow effect, does that mean there's some treasure in there? Mmmmm... probably not.

On the back of the car is a crazy arm-sleeves-tattoos version of Nico from Love Live! Is that what she's been up to after graduating school?!! What did college do to her?! It's so outrageously hilarious.

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