Monday, September 26, 2022

The Usual

 Back with regular old random pictures of fun stuff.

Odd spherical letter things at the art store. They didn't have an "M" so I had to use an upside-down "W". Close enough, right?

I have a couple of frog neighbors right outside the window. There's an odd drainage pipe and a tiny pool of water that's their home I guess. I think there's only two of them; I named them Ribbit One and Ribbit Two.

Huhuhuh... boos. Get it? Wear this shirt to the party and see how many boos you can get from the joke.

It's been a while since I've just plain gone nuts and eaten a whole big thing of Cheese Balls in one sitting. When I saw this, I was tempted to get it for a fun night of crazy indulgence. Good for me, I resisted. That time. I might reward myself with a night of crazy indulgence and a whole tub of Cheese Balls.

Always fun to see hand-written signs from frustrated employees. How much were they hassled about these for them to put up a sign like this? They move the old sets out of the regular Lego aisle and everybody assumes they are on clearance. Duh, why else would they be over here!

I noticed that the rocks I have as edging for my "yard" were starting to disappear into the ground, so I dug them up and moved them a little. It left these odd pore-like holes in the ground that gave me a weird freaked-out uncomfortable kind of feeling. They're just holes... odd.

Those poor Elves! Mashed up into a beverage! Another thing I noticed was the sign that says "Do not use when lit". "Lit" is a modern slang word for "intoxicated" so... that's funny, too.

Did we know the guy's name in Robotech was "Focker"? HA! I got my eyes on you! [makes the v-pointing gesture from my eyes to his]

Tiny furniture! In one of the many Japanese style stores in Jersey Gardens Mall.

Squish Face! Awww! I don't understand the significance of the spelling of Happly, is that a pun of some kind? Or a legit typo?

Even this character questions what exactly is "Giraffe Time". They don't know, either, and they're a giraffe!

Visited the giant Jersey Gardens Mall on a lazy Saturday. It's kind of far away, but close enough. Like most things around us in the middle of nowhere New Jersey.

The Lego Store has loose bricks you can fill cups with, and on this Pick-a-Brick Wall, there was a few types in a super-bright yellow color. I threw a few regular-yellow doors in there to see the difference, but I don't think this picture shows it. The yellow was so bright, they almost didn't look like actual Lego brand pieces.

What is going on over at the Nike store? Massive lines! Do I want to stand in line to get something? I'm not a "shoe pony" at all, but there's gotta be something good over there, right? Should I get one pair to wear, one pair to keep?

That green alien Hello Kitty was cute, but it's in a blind box and I don't feel like getting a bunch of them to get the one I want. Although, the rest of them do look pretty cute. Actually, is is possible for Hello Kitty to NOT look cute?

Giant Tweety! I forget the name of that style of figures, but they are trying to do a Lego minifig style without being a direct copy, and I've always thought it's nowhere near as cute as a real Lego minifig.

Speaking of Lego rip-offs, there was a selection of Peanuts sets. Good grief! It's a circus over here!

This one tiny scooter was $12! So not only are they copying Lego's brick designs, they are copying Lego's high prices! I thought the whole point of copying was to make them more affordable?

Adorable Ahsoka! The Disney Store has a bunch of characters in this style, and it was tempting to get a few and start a new collection going. Alas, the apartment says we can't afford it. Like space-wise. We don't have the real estate for a new collection of figures.

Seeing figures from the Hawkeye series was expected (Lucky the Pizza Dog!), but the rated-R movie Logan was a surprise. Again... very cute style on these.

Black Spire Outpost merch! Why go all the way to Batuu? Did somebody smuggle this past a blockade to get it here?

I recognize that guy from Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure! Mista has a gun with 6 little bullet guys who can follow orders and do all kinds of tricks.

We're fans of Hatsune Miku so it's cool to see more cute merch for her. I can't think of anything else clever, so enjoy the cute pics.

Monchhichi! Is that how it's spelled? With the two "h"s? Remember when "sticking its thumb in its mouth"-tech was new?  It took so little to impress kids back in the 80's.

Hahahaha... What?! "Spoilers Inside"?! I appreciate them not wanting to spoil things about the show as I wander a toy aisle, but this is ridiculous, right? What am I buying?!

I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was! I took this picture a few weeks ago, and it seems like so far McDonald's doesn't have its expected supply issues yet. Usually crazy card collectors buy a bunch of Happy Meals and they quickly run out of them, but I've been to a McDonald's recently and they still had cards.

Our Halogen torch lamp finally totally-busted. Since they don't sell them anymore (thanks to un-responsible people burning homes down and what-not because the lamps are so hot and bright) we were going to try and see if we could sheepishly fix it. Probably not, but it couldn't hurt to check... When we pulled it away from the wall, the concrete base of it shattered! Welp, we're not fixing THAT!

Google-searching alternatives, we wound up with a LED replacement. And I gotta say, it's nowhere near as bright. It's a "different" kind of light, too. It's "blue" where the light we are used to was more of a "yellow" if that makes any sense. Like, right above the lamp is pretty bright, but it fades quickly and doesn't fill the room the same. I think we are getting used to the new lamp, but it's a downgrade for sure. I think if we got 2 or 3 more and spread them around the room, it might be as bright as the one halogen lamp was. At least it's cooler... just literally though.

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