Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Prize-Winning Pictures!

 1st Place! You win the prize of fun pictures like this:

Saw the display of awards in the party store and got a good laugh out of it. Think about how much of a WINNER I could be! For only a few bucks! So much easier than practicing something and getting good at it.

The Captain Cold figure from the other movie "THE Suicide Squad" is... um.... a lot smaller. Poor guy.

At the flea market checking out the most expensive Pokemon card in the display case, at $450. Normally I don't like the "grading" case which looks terrible, but at least it verifies that it's a legit card and not a forgery. That's an Ancient Mew which was a promo card for watching the movie that came out in the year 2000.

Among the cards on the back wall, you can see they had some Disney Lorcana cards in stock. Which was nice to see. When I took this picture they were all sold out everywhere else. This place had them for higher prices than they should have been, which is maybe why they are still here.

It's been a while since I took a picture of a doll at the flea market which looks confused. Like Elsa just woke up and is like "where the heck am I?! What did I do last night?!"

You have to park in a dirt parking lot at the flea market. I saw this tree stump with all these cool mushrooms growing on it, so that gets a picture.

Is this "deep" or not? I feel like I want to think there's an important message here. The Dior bag is expensive... why, again?

Read the tag: "Thanks for collecting me!" Hahaha at least she's honest about it. Why does this make me want it more? I don't even know where this character is from.

This guy's name is Krillin. If you couldn't figure it out.

World Play Day? Did they make that up? Sounds like it was made up. The Lego Store was giving away FREE bags of random bricks that day, so.... sure! I'll take some free bricks!

Let the record show that I did indeed play on World Play Day. Thanks, Lego!

Looks like I had some straggler pictures from Halloween. These ghosts were extra-creepy. I know it's no longer creepy season.

When you asked me if I wanted to see your Purple Heart, this is not what I thought it would be. Normally a Purple Heart is a medal they give you in the military.

I think I'm glad I grew up in a house without knowing about this Elf on a Shelf thing. They look just a smidge "kinky" like they caught you doing something embarrassing, don't they? Mmmmm-Hmmm.... You know what you did!

Isn't Scout the name of President Joe Biden's dog that keeps biting the Secret Service guys? Am I remembering that right?

On this rainy day, I saw this car with it's rear wiper graphics. It was Andre the Giant on the bottom and a Hulk Hogan on the wiper blade. So it looked like an elbow drop loop. Hilarious. When I got this, there was a lady sitting on a bench nearby who laughed and said she took a picture of it, too!

Should I be worried about the leaky ceiling? Hey, they put buckets on the floor for it.

The t-shirt on this mermaid says "swim team"... really? Is that fair? How many world records do you think the MERMAID on the swim team has?

I haven't yet watched the Netflix Transformers BotBots series, which is some kind of silly plot where objects at the mall are going on adventures. The figures are tiny and transform into wacky things.

Picked this up for my friend who is a fan of classic aliens. Did I mention Fortnite has cool character designs before? Pretty sure I did.

Fly away Rainbow Dash! Before the dog gets you! Optimus Prime can take a chewing, he's tough like that.

Michael Burnham from Star Trek Discovery. This figure should come with an exaggerated crying face. That's how you usually see her on the show. I almost didn't recognize her without the crying face.

Massive display of "Doggy Parton" merchandise at the pet store. I don't have any pets myself, but I like going in to see fun things like this when I'm bored.

Hmmmmm..... This Netflix and Chill box set is missing something. Do they not know what "Netflix and Chill" means? I don't think they do, otherwise this kit would include different things.

How did Mirabel get away with wearing the Harry Potter glasses? Make 'em green! 

This car comes with all the bullet hits on the windows and scrapes on the side! Normally when real car companies agree to merchandising, they want the cars to be clean and fresh for cross-advertising. So it's neat to see them "get away with" a busted-up version.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as Power Rangers? It's so perfect! They big head guy literally says "recruit a team of teenagers with attitude" and that's the Turtles! Mind... blown!

Yo! The coolest duck I've seen in a while.

Sorsha? I don't love her... she kicked me in the face! Kid me would have gotten all of the Willow figures. Did they make Willow figures back then? I think I would have gotten some if they did.

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