Thursday, December 7, 2023

My Tiny Horse!

 I'm back with more pictures of stuff I found to make fun comments over. It's not complicated.

My new hero Timothee Chalamet hosted Saturday Night Live again, and once more he did a full song about his tiny horse. It was mind blowing the first time he did it, since... y'know... I'm literally a tiny horse. It brought me so much happiness that they chose to do it again. Your excitement may vary.

What alternate universe do we live in, that Cartoon Network has commercials for Generic Viagra? This is a real non-photo-edited picture. This must be a terrible, embarrassing mistake by the ad people at CN. Are kids still awake at 7:21? Certainly the scheduling people at Cartoon Network were NOT awake when they approved this. I'd like to make some funnier, less-appropriate jokes about this, but I don't think I'm up for it.

Did I mention I watched the Disney+ series Young Jedi Adventures? The series is mostly "okay" with very super-simple plots that are flat-out patronizing, but that's okay, because it's meant for kids. But, the art style is just amazing. Here's a random background guard at a random pirate outpost. It was so much easier when there was only a couple of movies to make figures for all the background characters.

However, one of the most frustrating parts of the show is that these kids engage in combat like they were full adults. This girl's two moms let her fly around all by herself in this spacecraft where her Jedi friends often shoot the giant cannons at pirates. Did I mention the pirates were children, too? Maybe I can believe the Jedi Younglings could handle combat since they've been training all their lives, but this girl is not a Jedi.

What's with the pictures today? I took this one to ask the question: How much more, or less, popular would the Captain Marvel movies have been if she was dressed like this? It's a rhetorical question, I'm only asking to be funny, I don't really know.

Hahahaha! Dice game with random characters vs others. The Marvel one has Black Widow vs Doctor Strange! No offense to Black Widow, we all love you, but you seriously have no chance against Doctor Strange. Maybe she can come up with some kind of insanely clever plan and outwit him?

Here's the baby-in-the-microwave scene from the recent Flash movie, in a POP! Figure display. They kind of ruined Flash in this movie by trying to use real-world physics about speed and friction, which would burn up people he would otherwise rush to safety. That's why he had to put the baby in the microwave, so he could move it faster. The microwave was unplugged, everybody!

Check out all that amount of embroidery! I have an idea of the amount of time it takes to machine-embroider something, and that thing might literally take several days to do. I'm appreciating this on a whole 'nother level. This is impressive.

I was so impressed, I got another picture of the sign next to it. It's expensive and takes them a while to make one for you special-ordered. Well, that sounds about right. If you sent your kid to Princeton, might as well spend a couple hundred more on the crazy awesome pillow.

This one thing has it all. The Princton mascot is a tiger, and this is famously the school where Einstein taught. So that's not a lion mane, it's Einstein's signature hair-do. If you forgot who it is, it's got the formula there to remind you.

The Labyrinth bookstore in Princeton has a rare-book section and sometimes you'll see some incredible things there. Looks like they acquired somebody's collection of Sigmund Freud stuff including this autographed letter. Sometimes a letter is just a letter?

Hahaha...? Um, that's funny, I guess? Well, I got a picture of it, didn't I?

Adult Minty is like... yep. That's about right. I busted myself! Just kidding, you can stay 'til about 9:30 if you want. Maybe even 10.

Have I been watching too much Today Show? I saw these and was like, where are the people's faces on the Smucker's Jars? And I laughed at how much of an idiot I was.

The original Samba de Amigo game for the Sega Dreamcast had special maracas controllers that you shake over a sensor. We saw they were coming out with a Nintendo Switch version, and the controllers naturally come off the Switch and shake anyway. Whoa!

This Transformer looked freaking awesome on the package art. A menacing evil black lion? Cool! That guy must be so vicious! And then, you notice the picture of the actual lion on the back of the box. Awwww! Poor guy looks sad! Hahahaha! How did they mess up the expression on the lion like that!

This has got to be some kind of dare. Rick and Morty Multidimensional Hot Sauce? Is your mouth going to explode? They can go into any dimension and get all kinds of sci-fi hot sauces. I kind of want to try some, yet I'm smart enough to know better. I'm sure they are fine, but the premise of the show makes me not trust them.

I paused for a moment to smile when I saw the late, great Macho Man Randy Savage, still selling Slim Jims. Let's give credit to the nameless advertising person who thought up of this successful collaboration. Ohhh Yeah!

Rare collectable! They make a few of them on purpose; it's printed right on the package. This is more for the poor store employees, who will see these while stocking and then hold them in the back for themselves. Sometimes you'll see one on the shelf.

What if Batman... but Caveman? Batcaveman? Does he have a Batcaveman Bat Cave? Man?

Another hilarious picture. These little maple syrup bottles have a tiny jug handle! For display purposes only, I guess. Even tiny little Minty can barely get her hoof through this handle! Why did they even bother?

Hey kid, I'll give you $500 if you can bounce this basketball 15 times! That's the Ted DiBiase bit everybody remembers. He was such a great evil rich guy villain.

Um... What's with the stripper outfit, Scarlett? Is Cobra Commander a pimp? What kind of comic books are they making over at G. I. Joe these days?

This Gabby's Dollhouse Lego set reminded me of the arcade game Elevator Action. You see it now? You got the game's music in your head?

I could write a ton of comments here about the Ahsoka series, but I guess I'll just use this picture to mention Lego's abuse of the fans to put all the villains together in the expensive set. Can you blame them if it works so well to sell expensive sets?

Pokemon Labyrinth? Where's the David Bowie Goblin King? Is there a Pokemon version him in this?

I couldn't find a "N" so I used an upside-down "U" to spell MINTY. Tweeeeeeet! Illegal use of a letter. Five yard penalty, repeat 1st down.

It's been a while since I've been blown away by a new "tech" of a toy. Apparently, you press this Magic Whispers cat's forehead gem to your forehead, and you hear secret messages! I almost got one right on the spot. I'm not even sure why I passed now that I see this picture. Pun intended, this... sounds... like it would be cool.

This was a lot less expensive, so I did get one of those BB-8 figures. I know it's the pose from when he gave Finn a "thumbs-up" but for some reason it looks more like he's flipping somebody off. Rude! And funny.

That large heavy Lego set looks like it's eager to fall on somebody's head. Doesn't anybody think of these things? Target?

Grrrr! I eat the whole thing of ice cream, and when I get to the bottom, I notice there's a knife-slice in it. The stocker guy at the local Target gets them on the top or bottom of EACH ONE now that I meticulously check every time. Sometimes I simply cannot buy any ice cream, they've all been sliced. I keep telling the manager and they keep slicing them. So, maybe it's the factory doing it? You might want to check if you get ice cream at a Target, check the top and bottom of the tub to see if it's been sliced.

Read the description of the Crimson Guard trooper and it mentions they are valuable and assume undercover assignments. So... what's with the battle gear? This guy is certainly not undercover.

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