Tuesday, January 13, 2015

City Museum in the City

Sunday afternoon in the city, and we went to the Museum of the um,... city. The City of New York!

Here's the outside. It's not super-big inside but there is still lots of cool stuff so click on the "Read more" to see some pictures?

Thomas Jefferson had very fancy handwriting skillz. Yeah skillz with a "z."

 Cool light-grid thing so gotta get a picture of it. What does this have to do with NYC?

Apparently they were going to give these civillian gas masks out to everypony. um, that's nice of them?

 Is it funny that if you got this doll when it came out, it would now likely be in a closet somewhere?

Rich person cane with a hidden compartment. I don't think Id's fit in there.

There was a section with nice city photos, obviously this billboard sign was funny enough to include in the museum so now it's on my blog, too.

 Another city photo showing a street artist at work. Feels like I'm in the city! Which I am, I guess...

In the gift shop, Graffiti coloring books! I wonder if the pages are all blank and you have to tag them yourself?

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