Monday, June 24, 2019

Comfort Numbers

Here's some more random pictures to enjoy.

There are a certain number, pun intended, of people who get an odd comfort in seeing sequential or matching number patterns. We noticed this in time to pull off to the side of the road to get this picture. You're welcome.

More pictures click on the "Read More" below.

During our recent visit to Virginia, we were supposed to transport some non-chocolate cookies to a relative's house. But we obviously forgot and discovered them in the car a while later. Don't worry, Turbo enjoyed them so they didn't exactly go to waste.

We lost the Internet and Television connections for a few days. The apartment above us was recently vacated and the renovation squad carelessly cut the wire. All the TV and Internet goes through this tiny tiny wire.

Our connection "thing" is tucked away in the right side of this closet. The wire was coming straight down from above. I guess you can see we have a lot of junk in that closet, but it's really not as bad as it looks.

During the renovations, the apartment above us was unlocked. So we peeked in to find out that they chopped out half of the closet and of course wherever the wire would have been coming from. Hardwood floors? Great, we can look forward to clomp-clomping when somebody moves in up there later.

A few days later and the Verizon guy drills a messy hole in the wall and re-connects us with this sloppy-looking tubing taped to the side of the building. Probably better and safer than like, staples on an uncovered wire though.

There's an extra giant red light over there! Oh, that's just the sunset.

While in Virginia, we were joking with a relative about putting a TV in the bathroom. During the conversation, they offered us an extra set they had collecting dust in the garage. So we went ahead and did it! Haha with no antenna or cable box it only plays files off of a memory card. And yes, this was just temporary for a picture op. I don't want anybody thinking this is a permanent thing we do.

While watching those files from the memory card, we spotted what might be a Minty in a first-season episode. The coloring is right and it's an earth-pony without a horn or wings. But the outfit covers up the cutie mark. We'll have to do more research later to see if this sidekick of Photo Finish shows up later with contradictory evidence.

One day we saw this rabbit outside the apartment, and it froze. For like five minutes. We were talking to it, and took it's picture, all while it refused to move. You win, bunny. It's the staring contest Master!

How cool that they made a Detective Pikachu figure that exactly matches the promo card from the movie ticket! Pikachu's special move is being super specially cute.

Milkshake. Pancake. Milkshake. Pancake. Milkshake. Pancake. The "comfy" Disney Princesses were great, but this was the best part of the Wreck It Ralph wrecks the Internet movie.

One small step for a minifigure. One giant leap for your Lego collection.

Owww Ouch! Says poor Sal the Silly Salami, the dog chew toy. Yes, we are aware of what else this kind-of looks like, that's why we took this silly picture!

This is some pretty evil, or sad, manipulative, or maybe just accurate, picture on this packaging. Heavily implying that the poor baby would be crushed by the TV without the Anti-Tip Strap. This picture fills me with panic to move the baby! Aagh I can't look at it anymore.

That's a Big Wheel! It's like the size of our whole car!

We remembered to join the Neopets Altador Cup this year, apparently on the last day to register. It's like a soccer tournament kicking around a spherical creature. They don't mind. Go Virtupets Space Station!

We used some of my friend's Birthday money to buy this Commodore 64 Mini plug-and-play thing. Put the TV on the floor to add extra nostalgia flavoring.

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