Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Treasure X: Aliens Review

There's a lot of things we like about the previous Treasure X series. We like the art style of the figures, my friend cannot resist a "booster pack" random figure, and we had unexpected fun opening the thing. We saw the newest set was some kind of Alien Autopsy version; and if you know my friend at all, he immediately thought "No Freaking Way!" Because he's more than a little grossed-out by the thought of cutting into a slime-filled alien. I convinced him it might be fun to suffer the torture, to get a few pictures and make a silly story out of it. He was not too happy about it but let's see how it goes...

The premise for the Treasure X: Aliens set here is that this creature ate some kind of alien and you need to cut it out of it's slime-filled guts. And you might find a real "gem" inside this time, rather than gold. How much is a Peridot worth? "Why are you making me do this?" says my friend.

Any fun? Click on the "Read more" below to gut this creature open!

The package breaks down all the steps like you are in for a all-night event. It's a little obvious that some of these steps are simple so... yeah. Hey look, there's a code on the bottom. Might tell us which figure is inside? But we don't really need to look that up since we already bought it.

Save Me! There is a noble Hero aspect here. You don't even know the alien inside but you are going to rescue it anyway. No matter how gross it gets.

There's a map included, but we couldn't figure out where we were supposed to look, which set of figures we were aiming for. My friend tried to figure it out for several minutes but I think he was just stalling to avoid the dissection.

The other side of the map shows all of the different aliens to be found. They all look pretty cool, now stop stalling and let's cut this thing open!

Here's the alien tool given. Shouldn't we have human tools for this? I guess it adds to the theme, are we supposed to be in space for this? There's a paper arrow that says "cut here." Real doctors probably don't need that.

Well, looks like the head pops off. And there's another code in the neck. Again, we might be able to match that with some kind of list somewhere but it's too late for this one. Let's um, put the head back on and get to work.

You actually have to saw through the rubbery plastic. My friend has an overactive imagination and was not too comfortable at this point. I know it's just a silly toy but it's so much more um... fun.... to imagine it's actually a creature.

Haha there's a rib cage you need to break off over top of that General Grievous-style guts bag. You okay, friend? He's not answering me. And he's giving me some sort of "look."

The guts bag was not easy to puncture. We were trying to be careful, assuming slime would squirt everywhere if we were too rough. That didn't happen thank goodness.

Once open, we pulled out his other gut sack which, I think, has the treasure in it. Yes this looks really gross. Your kids will probably love it.

We rescued the alien! He's totally covered in slime. Let's not ask any silly questions like why a creature with such large teeth did not chew him at all. Swallowed whole and easily rescued.

The pliers were not the "grab-iest" things ever, and it took a lot of ridiculously cringe-y poking to get out the alien's weapon and sidekick critter. But my friend was certainly glad it was over.

The instructions mention putting the slime in the creature's head and squeezing. What the heck, how much worse can this get?

Awww!!! GROSS! Under the eyes, too? To be fair, the slime was not as "gooey" as we thought, it was rather solid like Jello. So at least that was a nice surprise, we were expecting a lot worse.

So there you go. According to the map, our Alien's name is Nukloud and the treasure is a Brain of Fortune. The slime is safely contained in the um, container. And I guess we keep the creature's head as a trophy? Maybe a little over-priced at $15 but it was fun to do once. JUST ONCE says my friend.

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