Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Summer 2020 Adventure?

It's hard to call things "adventures" when you are supposed to be staying home keeping everybody safe. How many movies do we see where the heroes just... stay home? Nobody's seen that! Anyway... here's some non-adventure random photos.

While out shopping, we still peek around for interesting things. Here's a Hot Wheels car that's also a money clip! Because nothing screams "awww yeah, bling bling!" like a 99 cent Hot Wheels.

Blue Jay birds are hard to get pictures of, but they are very pretty. I think we need to clean our window.

Why does this look like the "Terminator" version of Thomas the Tank Engine? I think it looks a little too cool for it's own good.

Saw some POP! Figures from The Mandalorian and it reminded us how awesome that show is. If you didn't know, that's what POP! Figures do; bring back great memories of the things you like.

I don't know when I'll get a chance to visit family in another state, but here's a sneak-preview at somebody's Birthday Gift we picked up for them. I wonder if they will see this, and maybe figure out who this is for...

Flowers in the small bush outside our front door. We took this picture in the morning before work and by the time we got home, they had withered in the heat.

This might be your type of thing, but my friend could not imagine anything more gross. Sour Patch Chips Ahoy? Those two things DO NOT go together!

More grade-A wire piping courtesy of Verizon! Their network might be the fastest but maybe they could put a smidge more effort into... tape for the wiring?

Nearby small towne where we drop off our mail had this on the pole outside. It's no big deal, everybody in New Jersey is very accustomed to wearing the masks everywhere by now.

That tree is like "Nope! I'm saving this parking spot!" It was the very next day that the whole tree limb was gone, so I'm glad I took this funny picture when I did.

I don't usually plug viral videos, but I saw this and had to share. This groundhog was eating a huge slice of pizza slowly, like a boss, staring at helpless dogs on the other side of this glass window. So funny.

Not really the same thing, but laying on the couch on a lazy weekend, we spot the squirrels and toss them some treats.

The bike computer thing that tracks distance and stuff stopped working. We took a picture of the battery so we could make sure to get the right one, but it turns out replacing the battery didn't fix it. I don't remember it being very expensive but I guess that's a future shopping quest to replace it.

Saw this random box obviously out of place on the wrong shelf. First of all... Butt Paste. Funny. Poor Boudreaux? Or, I guess, good for them! If they want their name associated with fine, fine Butt Paste.

Whoa! I would hate to have been the bird who crashed into the roof like that! That's what I thought when I saw this. But should I be worried it might have been something else?

Took a chance and ventured to the now-drive-thru-only Chic-Fil-A. Three lanes of traffic, employees walking around the nightmare with tablets taking the orders and credit cards. They are usually dangerously busy but this was an "interesting" mess.

I guess it's the best they could do, but I coudln't help thinking that we can get some Engineers to figure out a better way than this. From the time we hit the parking lot traffic, to the time we were out, it was about 12 minutes. Which doesn't seem too bad except the stressful traffic atmosphere made it seem like a whole hour.

We were glad to have tasty Chic-Fil-A food finally. It's just a shame it's such an ordeal to get it. We've never done home delivery for fast food before, and this is too far away from home to get it, but if that's an option for you, you might want to look into it.

 Hahaha, okay calm down, Chic-Fil-A. "Mouth Fires"? Your spicy chicken sandwich is nowhere near that. I like how they don't even think that requires a little legal point of explanation at the bottom, it's so ridiculously NOT going to actually start your mouth on fire.


  1. Hey, maybe you should go to Chicoteague Island! My family and i went there and we saw Atteague Horses! if you love horses, you should definitly go. :)

  2. not to brag or anything, but they look very cute!

  3. not to brag or anything, but they look very cute!

  4. Hey, maybe you should go to Chicoteague Island! My family and i went there and we saw Atteague Horses! if you love horses, you should definitly go. :)

  5. Just to tell you a second time in case you forget.

  6. yeah. why would a fire occur in your mouth, and if so, how?
