Thursday, December 24, 2020

Holiday Treats

 Merry Xmas! We bought this candy pretzel kit during the... Halloween season, but did not get a good day to try it until we took our "Snow Day" and had the afternoon off. Part of getting the kit was we knew it would be a fun thing to get pictures of and share, so enjoy this Holiday treat! Which Holiday?

We've seen these types of pretzels in the grocery store for a long time now, and they always looked so good. And when we saw this relatively inexpensive kit, it was perfect enough to try and see what kind of messy pictures we could get out of it while also trying out some candy pretzels.

Here's what's in the kit. I was going to post a picture of the back of the box with all of the evil calorie numbers on it, but nobody wants to see that. We got it and we are going to eat it. Nevermind what kind of bad nutrition this is for us!

I guess we do need some instructions. In this picture, you can also see the candy wafers before we start to melt them up. It says we can melt them right in those paper containers, so that's easy enough.

In the microwave it goes! It took a minute to remember how to use the 50% power setting, but we got it. 

You're supposed to go 30 seconds at a time, and try mixing it up. The first couple of times it was just shuffling the bits around, and a little confusing on what was supposed to happen.

Eventually it started mixing into a gooey paste. If you have kids, this felt like it would be a really cool part for them.

Well... pretzel "dipping" kit seems like an over-sell. The pretzels do not "dip" very well in these shallow tubs.

The mixing spoon did a great job pouring the stuff over the pretzels though.

Here it is dipped and on the recommended aluminum foil sheet. Now we gotta add some sprinkles on top...

Ta-dah! One down, and lots to go! It's red, so that's good for Xmas as well as Halloween, right?

Would you believe I slipped and fell into the red mix? Haha messy Minty! These things are coming out great!

Here's about half of the pretzels done. This looks like a big enough portion for right now. No need to over-do this if we don't need to.

It's good that half the pretzels took up about the whole red tub of melted wafers. We were not measuring anything scientifically, so it's nice that it just worked out that way. Good "engineering" on the kit.

Since we had half the pretzels left, and the whole black wafer tub left, we decided it would be good to stretch this project into a second time's-worth of treats. We'd need more sprinkles, we used more than half of those, but otherwise very balanced.

Allowed to cool off a little, and the melted wafers harden back up. Here's a close up of the yummy-looking treat!

Haha the back of it is flat and non-sprinkled. Busted! I can imagine if you dunked these is a tub of sprinkles instead of pouring them, they would be completely covered, but we didn't have that much sprinkles.

Later, we did peel off the candy from the aluminum foils sheet easy enough. So that was an extra treat from this treat. The tub was pretty much done, we felt if we tried picking at it, we'd wind up with lots of paper rips in it.

Here's the finished pretzels! They were a little bit of fun-work to get together, but overall it was a rewarding effort. Do I even need to say how amazing they tasted? Of course I do! They were awesome. After I was done I wanted to make the other half right away! But it was enough of a treat, and I'm glad we have enough to have another portion some other day... soon.

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