Wednesday, December 30, 2020

More of That Snow

Back with more pictures from our "Vacation Day" in the snow. I know there are a lot of people from areas where is doesn't snow this much, so I hope you can enjoy these types of photos. Now that I'm posting these, all the snow has already melted, so these are sort of cool to see again for me, too.

I like these pictures where the contrast of white and dark really effortlessly draws a picture of the trees and stuff. Without the snow, it would just look like random nonsense mess of branches.

Not really a "snow" picture, just noticed these picnic tables and how far away from those office buildings they are. Like, I guess people would walk all the way over here to eat lunch? Not today, of course.

Look at all of those footprints all on this trail already. It looked like a lot of people took a similar walk, but we only walked past one other person the whole time we were out. 

Is there a term for a lake that's off to the side of a river? Because it's a picture of one of those things. There's a little bit of blue sky up there.

Look at those kids up there frolicking in the snow. That's about the spot we wanted to turn around, but we'll turn around now before we get too close to them. It would only take a small amount of time to get back home if we were on our bicycle like usual, but today we walked so it seems a lot farther away.

It's hard to see in this photo, but it looks like somebody was working on making a snowman over there. The thought occurred to rush over there and finish it, but maybe someone was just taking a break and would be annoyed if we messed with it?

Can we get too many pictures of cool snowy nature? Um... no. Check out those shadows! That's cool, right?

Saw this snowy bench and thought Hahaha let's say something like "that looks comfy" and then saw the obvious impression in the snow of someone who set their phone down, and the finger marks like they picked it back up. Why would you set your phone down on a pile of snow?

Maybe one day Minty will carve her name in this tree? Does it need to be romantic, or can I just advertise this blog on it? How does tree-carving work?

I think that's some kind of person's walking stick trail. Wouldn't it be cool to be that movie character who could be like "there was four of them, one walked with a limp. Blah blah, more details based on tracking footprints."

Another frozen water spot. I guess the non-moving water was freezing. It was about here that we realized we were getting a little toasty, and perhaps my friend bundled up a little too well with lots of extra layers.

We've done this before, but thought again it would be fun to shake a low-hanging branch and watch it pop back up without the weight of snow on it.

It's hard to see without the white contrast of snow on it, but that branch popped up way into the air when we let it go! Afterwards, we realized we shook a bunch of snow right into the pockets in our coat. D'oh!

I knew there was a sign post over here, but I don't remember reading it before. There's a good chance I already took this picture before but I don't remember.

Did the wind blow this sign to pieces, or did somebody cut it? Looks like there might be another piece that's now burried under the snow.

We were a little exhausted and toasty, so we thought we'd take the easy path back and hit the main road. Maybe get some different types of pictures near the buildings along that way. Then... the sidewalk kinda ends.

Walking on the street! This feels really safe. And if you couldn't guess, that's some heavy sarcasm. The road looks very clean though.

The tiny plow thing drove past us quickly but we still got the camera back out and snapped a picture of it before it got too far away. Those things looks like a lot of fun.

Here's some nice artistic snow curls where the big trucks plowed the streets.

Made it to the small shopping center and had to get a picture of the parking lot pile. There's so much snow in these things they can last for weeks after the ground has cleared.

Free... snow? That's a clever picture to have taken today.

Um... I don't think they know how this works. Not that anybody would want to eat outside today.

Did someone leave this scarf here on purpose? Or did it randomly get wind-blown onto this pole?

Hmm.. looks like it went from 6 inches of snow, to a 6 inch deep puddle of water. Not continuing down that part of the sidewalk, for sure.

Oh, there's a pretty tree with the snow all carefully over the branches.

Well, so much for taking the easy sidewalk all the way home. See the street over there? The sidewalk is supposed to be right along the side of it, but it doesn't look touched at all! Lots of footprints on it though.

The office buildings on the side have clear paths, so only a small detour. It's probably more interesting things to look at over here anyway.

Parking lot bushes just mashed-over with the snow! They look like they are doing okay, and not getting crushed by it... much.

It would be neat if we could shake off the snow and weigh it. It's easy to forget that yeah, water is heavy.

Walking back into the apartment complex and see this bush made a nice igloo by itself. It would be fun to crawl in there for a minute.

Checked out our back patio to see the squirrel footprints and all of the little perfect bird-prints, too. How are tiny footprints so cute? Hope you enjoyed all the snow pictures!

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