Sunday, July 4, 2021

More Princeton

 Happy July 4th! Not really holiday-related, but we were out on our bike riding trip to Princeton for nearly three hours, so... more pictures!

Here's the construction area. Do you think they are going to do these new buildings "all ancient-fancy-style" or simply make them modern buildings, so hundreds of years from now, those buildings will seem like from the now-past instead of the past-past? Did that make sense?

Cicada Shell spotted on the tarp covered fence. Could you imagine a world where everything had to do this to grow bigger? That's the kind of thing we think about while out riding the bike.

I wonder what these are going to be? Maybe dorm rooms? You think the kids going to Princeton were upset they had to live in ancient stone buildings? Still... I think I'd prefer the ancient history to a modern room.

They dug a big hole? For some reason... maybe looking for dinosaur bones? Or maybe a fountain? Come to think of it, there's no fountains around here...

It's neat to think... hey, somebody had to climb up there to do that. The basic colors make it look like it was for little kids, though.

This expansion project is gigantic! Look at all of those buildings! If those are supposed to be dorm rooms, think about all the hundreds of new students that will be able to go to Princeton, and all the enormous amounts of money that will make! They will certainly make their money back almost immediately.

Etched into that building, it says Princeton Neuroscience Institute. They may want to study my friend and find out why we get pictures with a Little Pony figure. Are we crazy?

Another angle of the new buildings. They are going to have a great view of this soccer field! Can I request a soccer-view room, please?

I've never gone this close to this particular field before. I think my normal route ran right through where the new construction is going on. Hmm... Class of 1952 Stadium, I wonder when this was built?

Scandal armor plaque, if they have a metal plaque  with the words cut out of it, they can never be dishonorable. Is that how it works?

These are some interesting quotes. Did Theodore Roosevelt go to Princeton? Are these his best quotes? Maybe someone in the Gray Twilight is super happy with it. If someone only gets defeats, the Gray Twilight would seem like a victory in itself. Am I overthinking this? Yes.

Weeee! Always cool to ride out onto the field where the athletes would usually go. I thought you'd be able to read the word "Princeton" here but I think the camera angle is too low.

I was going to hang out in the GGGOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLL!! But I think this is actually a Lacrosse field. Do they scream like that for anything other than soccer?

There are some people over there, I think they are playing football. American Football, not the Soccer Football. Do I need to say that? Ttttoooouuuccchhhh Ddddooooooooooowwwwwnnnn!!! ?

Argh! Biked into another corner. This one is a lot more stairs, and turning around would be a lot farther. We wound up lugging the bike up all these stairs. Actually wasn't as bad as it looked.

Up on the bridge above the main road into Princeton. Say hello to Mr. Highway. Did anybody get that reference?

Here at Princeton, you can check out all kinds of ancient stuff. Like this working payphone! How do I take a selfie with this thing?

The word on that generator is very close to "Aggretsuko" which is the name of the cute office worker red panda character that does the funny death metal karaoke bits. So we were reminded of her when we saw this.

It's one of those crazy weird twisty trees. Is this side open on purpose so we can check it out? The other side is covered in branches and leaves, yet this side is open.

Hey, if you are living the Jewish Life, here's the Center! Just in case you were wondering. What? I can't make a joke?

I sure could have used a splash from this fountain! That is, if it had water in it like it usually does. I think those two poles sculpture things are new.

it's hard to read the etching, but it's a paragraph quote from Woodrow Wilson all around this. I wasn't about to stop and read the whole thing. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Just as I was about to jump into that knothole for a fun new-home picture, a giant bee, or something, flew into it! Yikes! I almost didn't want to get this close, but we still thought it looked like a good picture so we risked it.

Check it out. Waaaayyy over there is a deer chillin' out in that field. I hope all that construction mess didn't wreck it's home.

Canoes! Looks like a lot of fun. My friend tells me he did that a bunch of times back in Virginia when he was younger.

As we saw some people in front of us ride their bikes across the bridge, we stopped to get off and saw this blank panel where there was once a sign that said "walk bikes across the bridge." There's always people fishing on that bridge, so it's just plain polite to walk your bike past them anyway even if the sign is gone.

Should we look up what is The Circuit Trails? It says "100s of Miles of Happy" but do you think we have enough Miles of Happy around here anyway?

Howdy! This deer family was posing to get their picture taken. They were pretty close to us, and held this pose for several minutes. Wonder what they were think of us. It felt like, at any moment, they were either going to run away, or run right at us. So much tension!

Saw one of these bugs we call "Police Dragonflies", due to the black and white color pattern, on our back patio. They are normally seen farther away on the bike trail, but it looks like the cicada population has forced them to hang out all the way over here instead.

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