Friday, September 3, 2021

Back to the Antiques Mall

 Another round of pictures from the Antique Mall in Virginia Beach. Technically we did go there twice, since the first day we went was cut short because of backyard barbecue scheduling. It really is a big place worthy of not rushing through.

I did do a picture of the outside this time. Yawn, nobody wants to see the outside, let's see the cool stuff inside!

Woah! I'm taking pictures of cameras with my camera. It's fun to see the olde time cameras. Sometimes these places remind me of museums, except you can buy the stuff here and take it home.

Funny mom joke plaque. Hope there are some moms out there checking it out and getting a laugh. A laugh - not a clever idea on how to ditch your kids.

Hmm... I can't figure out if I find this funny or not. How about you?

What's with these crazy chairs? Am I too old to get this message? Not old enough? Eh, let's get a picture of crazy weed chairs. I think weed is legal now in Virginia, is that right?

Looks like there's a quiet corner here where you can get your fortune told, but there was nobody there. Maybe you need to make an appointment? That's some interesting art on the cards there, can somebody tell the fortune of that person who printed that out?

Ooohhh! Elmo in the bedpan! That's just nasty. For the bedpan. Hahaha for Elmo of course.

Normally I don't like standing around in a thrift store, because of the risk of seeming like I'm merchandise that needs to be paid for. But I just had to sit on the dinosaur with the weapons on it's back. This looked like too much fun to pass up.

Sometimes I feel like I should be taking pictures of like, everything! There are so many shelves here just filled with old figures. Seriously there should be an art museum filled with all of these cool little sculptures.

Here's a fun classic; the Battle Bones from Masters of the Universe. It was a big dragon skeleton that was like a bus.

Fantastic Four's Invisible Woman. Sure it's neat that the plastic is clear, but if you think about it, do you even really NEED a figure for the Invisible Woman?  Can't you just pretend she's right next to your other figures, and it's more accurate since you can't really see her?

Again, the place is overwhelming. Giant cabinets bursting with nostalgia. It would take months just to take each one of these Transformers and change them from the robots on display into their other various cars and stuff.

Waterworld? There was a time when companies made toys prior to the movie releases just in case they were big hits with the kids. Then Waterworld things started happening, where the movie kind of... bombs, and the toys don't sell. So companies started to do that less. Then along comes Frozen, where there was no merch anywhere for it, for a whole year! Now we are back to big toy lines for movies that are kind of "meh" just in case the Frozen thing happens again.

Can't decide which hairdo you want for your Monster High doll? Now you have options! I'm not sure which classic monster had two heads, but those are typically inspired by some kind of classic trope idea. Maybe a hydra?

Sometimes you can find items here that should be marked "Scalper-only" like this G.I. Joe Baroness motorcycle. Never once did I see one at a regular retail store for the regular retail price of $40. They were all immediately bought by re-sellers. This one is priced at $120 now! Evil Cobra-level scam.

Hey! It's a starter box for the Looney Tunes Trading Card Game! We bought a bunch of these a long time ago when the toy store had them on clearance, was it a Toys R Us? I think it was. Anyway, it was a very fun game with awesome fun Looney Tunes characters and stuff. If you get a chance, you should check it out!

The stairway to the upstairs level has a bunch of cardboard standees watching over it. They don't look like actual-sized because those Smurfs are much too big and Hulk is much too small.

It's a One-Armed Bandit! That's an old wild west term for a slot machine, if you didn't know. That's a pretty high price they got on it, it must still work.

Do you still have "money" in your pocket? One day it might be in a thrift shop selling as a collectible. Whether or not it came directly from your pocket or from somewhere else. It might be the same money. Would you pay money for money? You already have some. Now I'm all dizzy.

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