Sunday, October 31, 2021

More Halloween Stuff 2021

 Happy Halloween! One more bunch of pictures we took of fun scary-whatever stuff.

It was odd that this banner inside the store seemed to be larger than the one hanging outside. Maybe they were having trouble fitting it outside and well, they bought it, so might as well hang it inside the store instead!

This trick-or-treat bag looks like a regular ole' re-usable tote bag. Sure beats using a pillowcase!

I actually took most of these pictures when the stores first opened way back in September. That's why all of the stuff is still here. The closer you get to Halloween, the more empty and wrecked the store looks.

Spirit has been enjoying a near monopoly on the pop-up Halloween market. They have been doing the same thing for years now, surely it must be profitable, how come nobody else is doing it? OH! I was so certain this was another Spirit store, that I was a little shocked to see it said Halloween City on the door!

Inside the store, it was basically the exact same place. Here's some "Weed" costumes which might have been cheeky a few years ago, but it's legal now in New Jersey, so what's the big deal?

I think I got this picture at a Target store, but saw that Pineapple Skull and thought, Metal SpongeBob! RRRRAAAHHHH!!!! And Strawberry Skull there is just too weird, you think?

Hahahahaha! Oh, wait. That's no longer funny, and in fact, maybe super-terrifying right about now. You show up to the party in a Hazmat Suit, and everybody there is going to be all "NOT COOL!"

I'll steal this comment I found online, but Rick and Morty is the perfect Halloween costume. Because no matter how it looks, or how many other people are wearing other different-looking Rick and Morty costumes, it's all still "works" as Rick and Morty. Aw jeez!

You have to be a special kind of crazy to wear a legit Escaped Convict costume, right? Like, you think real Police are annoyed by this? Better not take any chances, lock that guy up until we can make sure he's not a real prisoner!

Take your Dungeons & Dragons game off of the table and out into the party! Like, Halloween Party, not Adventure Party. Or... both?

With all of the evil, gloomy costumes around, it was refreshing to see some angel wings. See? Not all costumes have to be scary.

It took half a second when I saw this to realize, yeah, Wonder Woman has a Golden Lasso, not a Whip! Unless... this is from her closet we were not supposed to know about.

I can't remember if I saw this before, but it's Link's bow from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild. And all of a sudden I'm reminded about how awesome that game is.

One of these wreaths looks scary and cool, but even cooler stacked in this display. It looks like the mouth is deep with multiple rows of teeth!

Hmmm. Is Spirit Halloween Stores cool enough to get their own ad merch? Or are they just trying to sell employee t-shirts to everybody?

This is so gross looking but super funny that they put a little nutrition label on it. Like, the maniac is not so crazy that they want to get in trouble with the government for not properly labeling their cannibal food.

Why did I find this extra creepy? Simple and effective.

Nothing is going to give you nightmares like a giant cockroach will! Who wants this season to just be over already?

Giant worm from Betelgeuse for your lawn! That Tim Burton guy has got some kind of imagination.

The next time you see a Halloween movie with Michael Myers here, imagine Minty hiding in his pocket like this. I guarantee it will be a lot less scary if you do.

Steampunk wings! Cool! Just had to get a picture. Doesn't look like the gears all turn or anything, but still cool.

You think they named their costume company Forplay without knowing what that must imply? Should these be sold in a different type of store?

Sexy legs display? Can they "get away with this" these days? I guess they did. Hey, it got my attention, so it worked.

Is it fun to say that once upon a time, I knew somebody who would have loved this hat, like outside of Halloween? I could totally see them wearing it on any given night out.

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