Saturday, November 20, 2021

Um... Pictures?

 Back with another bunch of random pictures. Can I think of a more interesting set-up? I guess not.

One boring Saturday we went out to the flea market but did not take a bunch of pictures. Still got a few. Here's a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure game for the... regular old Playstation? I wasn't aware it was THAT old of an anime series, how long ago was Playstation 1? Flea markets are awesome for discovering old neat stuff you never knew about.

Got a picture of this dragon-looking rock slice. It's like nature made it's own art! How much other art is hidden inside of rocks?

Who has space in their yard to build a huge go-kart track? This may sound a little obvious, but why is this being sold by itself? Don't you need at least two of them to race with? It's totally not fair if the second person has to use that lawnmower.

Give them credit for actually printing the word "Turdle" on the package. How is pooping a toy again?

Go watch the whole The Clone Wars series, and by the time you get to this duel, you will know that it was one of the most epic things Star Wars ever did. Who has time to watch 66 hours of The Clone Wars? Most of it was pretty good. Some of it was silly, some of it was "ugh!", and occasionally, like this duel, it was amazing.

Another fun Star Wars figure... wait... is that A TRIBBLE? Utini! What's a Star Trek Tribble doing with a Star Wars figure?

The original Ground Ripper was a Masters of The Universe vehicle which had a pull-cord feature which spun the wheel. WHY would they make a new one and NOT include that feature? It's not advanced tech, people! That's a cute He-Man though.

Young Rock vs Old Rock! My friend had a funny thought when he noticed this looks similar to Kirk vs Picard hahaha.

Hope you like cereal! If you plan on collecting all of these figures, that's at least nine boxes, but the odds of getting Frankenberry are 1 in 50! You really want to buy 50 boxes of cereal?! That's scary.

Found these at a regular FYE store. Before you had to special-order them on the web site which sold out as soon as they were available. Now I'm not as scared of it as I once was, if they are being sold so casually.

I took this picture a few days before these new stunt bike sets were released. It was just funny that they put up the posters early. Can they do that? I guess they did.

Pascal usually says funny stuff when you give him a scallop, but this one was worth sharing. Sometimes Nintendo is shocking in what they playfully put in the games.

OH! Cooking story. These next few pictures are from a night a co-worker gave us random fresh hot peppers from their garden.

I guess I skipped a step, but here's a whole baseball-sized onion chopped up. Tip: chop them on the stove with the vent on, it sucks up a lot of the tear-stuff.

We bought some thin "sandwich" steaks which we put in ziplock bags with pepper halves pressed against them overnight. You don't want to eat those habanero peppers raw, they are dangerously hot, even for someone like Minty who is used to eating hot stuff.

A bunch of the other peppers were chopped up and added to the onions. cooking them will make the hot peppers less dangerous but they should still be plenty hot.

Oh yeah, I guess we added regular jalapeno peppers in there, too. The whole thing was heaping big in the frying pan, but it shrinks a ton when you cook it.

The key to making good onions in a frying pan, is to do it nice and slow over a medium heat. It takes a long time and lots of attentive stirring, but it's worth it. There's a small window of time when they are almost done... perfect... and then... AH! Too much! We also have one of those pans that "nothing sticks to" and I can say... it works!

So at first it seemed like a ton of stuff, and once it's all cooked, it makes a good full plate. One of the tricks to cooking is getting the portions right. You don't want to over cook, but it's better to have too much than not enough.

The pepper-pressed steaks have absorbed a lot of the "hotness" from the peppers. Habanero peppers are the type of peppers that are so hot, you have to wear gloves when you cut them. And even then, be careful when you throw away the gloves!

BOOM! Thin steaks cook up super quick! We took them out when they were done a little, chopped 'em up, and threw them back in for another minute.

This was awesome. I could say it was super-healthy, too, but nobody wants to listen to that kind of thing. It tasted great, and the healthy-ness is just not as important, right?

So what's the very next picture in the camera? Oreos! Hahaha we just ate a healthy steak and veggies dinner! Again, is it ridiculous to think you cannot crumble-up your own Oreo Cookies? Why do they think they need to sell them as already-chopped-up pieces? Slackers!

If you remove it from this garbage bin set, that piece of Lego Dulpo that, with proper context looks like a trash bag, would look like a... what exactly? A melted globby mess?

Build-a-Bear Workshop Jawa? Can I say "Utini!" twice in the same post? Can we list the number of ways the Jawa is cool? Simple design, but unique and instantly recognizable. Mysterious. Somehow both adorable and creepy, with the glowing eyes. Only seen very briefly, but given tons of "personality". Not really bad guys but not good guys either. Even the name "Jawa" is fun to say.

Hmmm. Not sure I can say that out loud. People might not understand what you mean if you just shout out "White Witch". Funny enough to get a picture, I suppose.

My friend keeps an eye out for Purple Dragons, and here's a car one. The package says Galaxies, is this some kind of space dragon? A space... dragon truck? Is that too much? Ever hear of the phrase "hat on a hat"; on a hat ...on a hat?

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