Friday, December 3, 2021

No Time

 I'll post pictures soon of the Thanksgiving things we did, but in the meantime, have a bunch of random stuff.

Went to see the newest James Bond movie, No Time For Movie. This was supposed to come out YEARS ago, but then Covid hit, and they simply REFUSED to release the movie "some other way" as they were determined to get "blockbuster theatre money" with every bit of stubborn-ness that a James Bond villain would have had.

I'll try not to spoil the movie, but the plot was literally the most inconvenient plot they could have ever imaged. Not because it was a bad idea or anything, it's just that the Covid pandemic kind of spoiled the movie unintentionally. It's like, the plot sort of happened in REAL LIFE?! How can they release this now-incredibly insensitive movie? Change it to "nano robots" instead of "virus"? Cool cool. I guess that works. (But not really.) Also, I waited through the entire credits to see if this tag line would still be included.

They made such a big deal about Captain Kirk actually going into space, and this is all they showed? It was like a blip on a screen. He got a free trip for the publicity, but I suppose if you really want to find out what it's like you gotta buy your own ticket.

It's way too late to get one of these Crispy Melt Tacos at Taco Bell, but they were yummy while they lasted.

Everybody know who Joey Bananas is? Looks like he got a Fortnite figure! I wonder how many action figures are produced that are sneakily based on real people. Or is it just coincidence?

Spotted another Purple Dragon for my friend. This is one of those 3-D puzzles. Have you ever tried one of these? They are kind of weird at first but pretty cool honestly.

Another cool plushie/game combo where we already have the game. There is surprisingly little Shantae merchandise available. We looked it up and apparently the Fangamer website sells just-the-plush if you want.

We saw this and thought about the Pixar short movie Bao with the little steamed bun, and instantly were emotionally destroyed all over again. That short movie was brutal, like ...the saddest thing you've ever seen. Toy Story 3 level. Thanks, Pixar. Can I ever look at a steamed bun again, without those painful memories?

Went out to the outlet mall near Six Flags, and the Disney Outlet was GONE! I heard they were closing all of their retail stores, but I hoped the outlet store would be spared. Guess not. Whoever bought the space put up a regular toy store instead, so that was a brilliant ...move.

Not that exciting, but better than nothing. It was full of typical souvenir-tier toys, like these My Little Pony knock-offs.

Double Rainbow! This was pretty bright in the sky, the camera kind-of dulled it. Had to scramble at a red light to get the picture.

It had been a while since we've done the Lil' Dragon Pizzas in the toaster oven. Had trouble finding the good Ghost Pepper Pizza Sauce for a hot minute. Is that a pun? But we eventually found some. We were so happy we took a picture.

We had a "pet" for a week or so. Don't know what it was, but it was making scratchy noises in the wall and we eventually figured out it was crawling in from this spot outside. We thought about plugging the hole, but that seemed rather mean-spirited somehow. Haven't heard any noise in a while so it might have moved on. Or... it's just politely being really quiet.

Can you believe the biggest hurdle for Disney making new X-Men things, is the name "X-Men"? What about ...the women? X-"MEN" is gender-exclusive. Can you see the problem? This package clearly says X-Men, shame on them! Ha-ha what a world.

A girl has gotta love buying shoes, right? So what if they are cookies? They are SHOES and I gotta have them.

Actual Popeye Spinach! I read that spinach got a huge boost in popularity when a typo in a nutrition review accidentally gave it ten times the amount of nutrition that it should have had. Media was not as reactive back then, so the false claim was not easily taken back. People really thought you'd get Popeye-level strength from eating a lot of spinach!


There was a long time when the McRib would be "back" in other parts of the country, but NOT in New Jersey. It just makes us appreciate it even more when we DO get them back.

The super part of this show is it's ability to maintain some level of attention after it's short run so many years ago. I think it's probably 100% due to the very super catchy theme song. Believe it or not, I'm walking on air, I never thought I could feel so free-ee-eee! Yeah, you know the song.

AHH! PUPPIES! Jerry "The King" Lawler was a wrestler for a while but really shined as a match commentator. My friend met him at a local comic shop when he was signing autographs, a long time ago. Um, The King was signing autographs. I re-read that last sentence and it might not have been clear hahaha.

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