Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Toy Fair 2014 special post: Mega Bloks

Yay "social media!" I could lecture here about how internet publicity has changed the way companies advertise, but instead I'll just show some cool pictures I would not have gotten without flashing my new business cards to an excited company willing to let me into their fortress, to help sneak some images on the internet and generate some free advertising.

These are NOT Lego blocks. They are Mega Bloks um... blocks. While waiting for our tour we put together this guy. Click on the "Read more" to see some exclusive Toy Fair 2014 coverage!

Say "hi" to Hello Kitty! There's a cute ferris wheel thing and a boat back there. Right above me in this picture check out those adorable bumper cars!

Barbie Mega Bloks! Here's some new mermaid and fairy Barbies. The "flying" mechanism on the fairy looks neat! Looks like there are some rooms back there too. Can we say "dream house?"
Barbie had a boat, too! Check me out partying like a rock star with Barbie! This boat has a hot tub on the main deck!

Look behind me? What for? Somehow I wound up an a construction yard. There's also a S.W.A.T. team and some mountain stuff back there in those mountains.

An unexpected surprise was to see SpongeBob SquarePants Mega Bloks! I'm not trying to pick favorites here or point out licensing coups, but as recent as last year, Lego was making SpongeBob sets? In the upper right of this picture you can see some new tech' they had which was printed base plates.

They even had blind-packed figures for the SpongeBob Mega Bloks. Gotta say those figures look pretty cool. Everypony loves SpongeBob!

 Monster Trucks, or should I say "Mega" trucks? Check out Barbie cheering in the crowd?

Go go Power Rangers! I have friends who are big fans of this show, they could probably point out all the cool zords and stuff. There's a little better view of one of the printed plates here, too.

 There were foam gliders! We were trying to rush through so there was no time to take a test flight haha.

 A new line were these dueling robots with cool levers on their shoulders for throwing punches at each other. The various armor pieces fall off and the heads pop rock'em-sock'em style.

Just when we were going to get to the coolest properties, Halo and Call of Duty, we were "Mega Blok'd" (pun intended? haha) by some pony doing some other video reporting. We snapped this one picture so feel free to zoom in maybe there will be some tiny blur to get excited over?

Let me end by saying a big warm "Thanks" to the Mega Bloks team who were a bunch of happy and nice pony pals. They certainly didn't need to let me into their booth but they DID and that makes them awesome.


  1. Wow, that looks awesome. Also, I think Minty is the pony. It's actually my first time seeing this. But i like it, and you're so lucky because I only have one hello kitty mega blocks set, and no barbie ones :(

  2. Also I'm getting a Hello Kitty Cruise Ship Mega Blocks Set, but they've a ll sold out :(.

  3. And that was the bad news, although at my place it's actually 10:38 p.m.

  4. Wow, that looks awesome. Also, I think Minty is the pony. It's actually my first time seeing this. But i like it, and you're so lucky because I only have one hello kitty mega blocks set, and no barbie ones :(

  5. Also, the ferris wheel thing you called is actually a normal ferris wheel, only it's normal for the hello kitty version.

  6. Also, the hot tub you called on the main deck of the Barbie Mega Bloks Luxrey Yact, is actually a pool.

  7. (It's actually called Mega Bloks).
