Friday, March 16, 2018

Toy Fair 2018 part 4

More toys from the New York Toy Fair!

One of the fun highlights we saw were these dice. Obviously big and plastic, they still rolled like dice. But if you didn't like what you got, you could clap your hands, yes like The Clapper, and they would buzz-buzz hop around and re-roll themselves. They even lit up different colors, and you could roll them with an app on your phone!

Click on the "Read more" below for more cool toys!

These Kingdom Hearts figures should have come out like 15 years ago. Here's some favorites for some reason. Chip and Dale, and the big guy is Pete. Along with a Heartless minion. Now I have some good friends who shall remain anonymous, but they find it incredibly cool that there is one set that includes these exact characters!

This Elsa statue was like 3 feet tall! This would be the centerpiece for anypony's Frozen collection, it looked amazing. You think she has anything to do with the snow outside today?

You better grab this Star Trek Discovery ship before it disappears! Like, in the show. It can disappear. And since the show is so good, it's likely this will be hard to find in the stores, too.

She must be pretty cold. Or her home is in a volcano? Who is this character and why is she not wearing anything?

Celestial Buddies were here again and we were happy to see their happy faces. This is Uranus, here to teach your kids not to tease each other about their names.

Celestial Buddies made a storage bag out of a... Black Hole? So clever! When the planets come out, are they in another dimension or something?

Who doesn't love Bob Ross? We're not sure if paint-by-numbers was his style but as long as you are painting I'm sure he would have been happy about it.

5-Minute Dungeon? How can you cram a whole dungeon's-worth of fun into only five minutes? Theres some treasure! And not much else. That only took one minute.

Seeing this Vuvuzela card from a random card game made us remember what a fad those were several years ago. They were right on the wrong edge between super fun and super annoying. And we're pretty glad it's not a "thing" anymore.

Why is ebay here? I guess they technically sell toys. There were some glass cabinets there showcasing old classics like Tickle-Me Elmo and others.

The biz-term for this is a "call back" to the previously mentioned Paw Patrol Live ad at the train station. Not actual trained dogs after all, but I guess here's some Paw Patrol characters taking a picture with a... Pirate Girl? From some pirate thing we don't instantly recognize.

Realizing we had not yet eaten since our Hot Cakes breakfast, we stopped by the Melissa and Doug booth for some fresh-out-of-the-oven mega chocolate chip cookies. Yummy energy to keep us going!

We were collecting Nendoroids before they were really brought to America. Still makes us happy that they are getting a bigger exposure.

Aww yeah. Spoiler character design from the coming-soon Kingdom Hearts 3! Sora has double crossbows? There's the chain hanging off the bottom, are these some kind of new Key Blades?

These mini-figures from Final Fantasy games looked cute. The girl with the pink hair is named Lightning. You think they'll be in random boxes? Probably. Those random boxes are both cool and frustrating, depending on how much money you have to throw at them.

Did I already post a picture of Chia Pet Bob Ross? Because I'm sure if I've seen this before somewhere else, I would have taken a picture of it. Anyway, still fun to see, right?

My friend wondered who is that girl dressed like a Predator, then noticed her fishnet stockings looked "nice." Then noticed the actual Predator was also wearing fishnet stockings? Wait, has the Predator always worn fishnet stockings? Yes? Did we just ruin the Predator somehow?

My friend is a big fan of the Star Trek villains know as The Dominion. From the series Deep Space Nine. Who wouldn't want these ships flying around their tabletops? Victory is life!

Always fun to see Mr. Sparkle! Why does he look like Homer? WHY? Haha that was the quest of the episode. If you don't remember, is it your quest to find out now?

Are all characters from Futurama insufferable egomaniacs like Calculon, Zapp Brannigan and Hedonismbot? I guess Leela in the back is not too bad. See her in the back hiding in her sunglass? Not sunglasses because there's only one sunglass.

I wonder if these French fries have an accent? Wee-wee! Fries go great with damburgeeah.

Street Fighter II figures! You go Chun Li! Kick Zangeif in his teeth!

You have to scream MORTAL KOMBAT! Is Sub Zero doing a Fatality?! Is that awesome or gross?

This welcome mat if from the video game series Fallout. We haven't played it but the happy character sure looks happy.

These cool Chinese Zodiac statues looked like they were made out of heavy marble but they were just well-painted light resin. Anypony have a garden these would look perfect in?

I'm not sure if these were supposed to mock McDonald's? They look kind of silly and grotesque like it's some kind of spoof. Who would buy something to show off a hatred of it? You know, it looks a little bit like Trump? Haha they should have done that instead it might sell more!

Whatever this thing is... you're welcome for the nightmares! There's a leg growing on it's head with an eyeball on the bottom of the foot. And the weird flesh mangled thing hanging on the side, too. Did we stumble through a haunted house here?

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