Thursday, March 22, 2018

Toy Fair 2018 part 5

The last bunch of random toy pictures from the New York Toy Fair 2018. There's still a few more pictures from our day-trip for later.

It'sa me, Minty-o! Witha my pal Mario! Wouldn't it be awesome to collect figures of THIS size?

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Blue-hair'd Goku and Vegeta are so powered-up they are like gods. Times 10. And if you do the math, ten-times-god is um, pretty powerful.

Bulma is a Dragonball character who proves every bit that you don't need to be "powerful" to be "powerful." She's clever and knows the value of different color variants to make you want to buy multiple figures of her?

Odd little stacking totem figures, whenever you can have Batman team up with Captain Picard, that's some good stuff right there.

Spock! We.... seem to be... some kind of.... Peg ... People? And... Why.... is there a pony on the bridge?

Something a little odd about Star Trek chair capes; they're not super heroes.

It's Star Lord and Mary Poppins, y'all!

Should I make a joke about grown men eating their dinners out of Millennium Falcon and Landspeeder bowls? Because you just know it's going to happen, and I want to be sensitive to it but lets just hope it's mostly kids that will use these.

Girl-versions of Ash from Army of Darkness and a picture of coming-soon Pinhead? I guess if you are a fan of these movies but don't want scary figures in your house, these are perfect.

I take a look at this picture of Locutus, take a deep sigh, and think.... Mr. Worf, fire. Cue dramatic music, you know the one.

I shall leave you as you left me, marooned for all eternity in the center of a display case. Buried alive. Buried alive.

Original series Khan, too! He needs your crew to run his ship, why resist him; it's so JUICELESS!

These figures look so accurate to the actors! Look at Picard about ready to give the "Make it so" signal.

I don't understand why is there a small version of me in this glass cabinet? Says a gravel-voiced Castiel.

Are these some kind of magical totems? We'll be okay as long as we stick together. Says Sam Winchester

This is one good-looking figure. It's really super handsome, and I'm not just saying that. Says Dean Winchester.

You could probably put these really close to your camera, and stand in the background, and maybe the photo would look like you were standing right next to the real people? Anypony ever try something like that? Now I want to try that.

Check out Pinky and The Brain, and the Goodfeathers. They are funny. What do you mean by that? Am I funny how, like a clown? No, that's not what I'm saying at all. Oh I'm funny? Yeah that's all I'm sayin'...That's it!

Pretty sure I've already taken a picture of this before but good news, everypony! I've taken another picture of it! It's the Planet Express Ship from Futurama of course.

You think Crowley would like this cute version of himself? He's the lord of Hell and they make a cute little version of him? Better get your ash-burnt glasses on so you can see the Hell Hounds coming for whoever thought of this abomination! Haha just kidding I know a few friends who would probably like one of these.

Coach Dean?! Hilarious! Of all the Supernatural characters they could have made, why is this instantly recognizable and smile-worthy?

We saw all of these Star Trek badges and asked where was the Captain Georgiou badge from the new Discovery show. It was kind of an important prop from the show and they all agreed they need to make it, so there you go ponies. A good reason to go to the Toy Fair? You can influence companies to make stuff! Can I get a free one please at least?

Uncle Bubble was amazing. He made enormous bubbles! We tried for a minute but couldn't get them as big. We'd need a lot more practice.

Not Lego or MegaBloks, it's BanBao? Looks like they got a giant Charlie Brown over here. Good Grief!

Take a hint, Lego. These figure bags show which figure is inside! I wonder if they sell more or less doing that?

Even though this ice cream truck looks incredibly "Lego," notice how the minifigures look different than Lego minifigures.

They typewriter! What's that? All the kids ask. It was a dark and stormy night.

The Green Baron? Is it supposed to be RED Baron?

We're not sure if this character looked like she belonged in such a pink and purple car. She looks rather tough? Maybe a motorcycle?

It's strikingly odd that even tough these figures are a lot different than Lego figures, this one has a hairdo that's obviously taken from the style of a Lego Figure's hairdo, from a Cave Woman or more recently Toxicita. Look it up and go wow yourself.

 Giant Snoopy! They should have been playing the piano music somewhere.

These are Cobi um, not-Legos. Any room on this Ark for a Minty? Where's the other Minty? [blushes]

Our favorite dice game Tenzi was there with a new card game we all tried it was pretty fun.

 A little bit away from Tenzi was.... Tentsy? Tents, get it? If I was a kid I would love one of these things.

 Even Dinosaurs have to sleep. But this one doesn't look too happy about it.

Check out the snow! It was pouring outside. It was fun to hear visitors from places claiming they have never before seen snow. Run outside and enjoy it!

 Live band. Not sure we recognized any music they were playing as toy-related.

We went up to check out the Mattel fortress and ran into an old friend from our previous job! She was working in Florida now and it was great chatting for a minute. 

On our way out we had to get a picture of the giant robot thing. We expected, but were not asked, to drop our weapons. You have 30 seconds to comply.

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