Monday, March 19, 2018

Toy Fair 2018 Super Pics

I wasn't sooo lazy this year about grouping together photos from the New York Toy Fair; here's the Super Hero group!

Who needs big blockbuster movies when you get TV shows as good as The Flash and Supergirl? And you don't need to spend $10 a ticket to see them every week! Did we just figure out that TV is way better than movies?

Up, up, and away! Click on the "Read more" for more super pictures!

Another crazy Harley Quinn figure! Could you imagine there's probably a very serious fan out there who has ALL of these?

There was a lot of Supergirl figures this year. No doubt because her TV series is doing so well.

Gotham City Garage was the new theme, they are looking like they are building motorcycles or something. We saw Supergirl with lower-tummy tattoos and thought WHAT could give Supergirl a tattoo? Is that even possible? She's bulletproof!

Black Widow and Squirrel Girl. Two heroes with questionable powers that somehow still are awesome anyway.

This Harley Quinn is from the Injustice video game. There were different colored versions available like in the game?

I wonder if these are just ad displays or can you actually buy a giant cute cardboard Harley?

Supergirl autograph cards! But you know the costume-piece cards are going to be the real collector's items for all the ponies who want a piece of something that actually touched her!

Here's more Gotham City Garage statue concepts. The theme is pretty new so they don't have finished statues but the art looks cool.

Winking peace sign Harley is not fooling me, I know she's up to something. And that Black Canary singer is pretty cool, we know a few singers who would probably love one of those.

Classic Harley is so cute! We see her trying to hide that mallet with her smile.

Harley with the jackels! And Starfire and Raven! Is that Rose Wilson, daughter of Slade? Powergirl? These DC Bombshell mini characters are getting better and better. These are only prototypes but we want them now!

Is that a DC Bombshell in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Of course we stopped to push Spiderman's base and watch him collapse a bunch of times. He just gets right back up like in the comics!

One last super awesome Supergirl statue. The anime-style figures have a bit more tummy in the costume than usual.

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