Monday, September 17, 2018

OBX '18 part 1

Outer Banks! We took a bunch of pictures, so we'll post them a little quicker than usual. Here's a bunch from some touristy shopping.

One of the first things over the bridge to the OBX is this Wal-Mart. We usually wait here for our friends to arrive. This year they were not too far behind us but we still got a few good random-Wal-Mart pictures.

Click on the "Read more" below for pics!

This is before the Wal-Mart, at the Border Station rest stop. In the parking lot there was a guy selling home made bird houses. It looks like he had a lot of fun making these.

Do you think the birds living in these houses appreciate the decorations, or do you imagine them rolling their eyes thinking "oh, this is so tacky but I can't afford another place."

Some kind of sign using a Star Trek comic book cover? Kirk vs Kirk? I want to read that! I bet Kirk wins.

Your float is a giant chicken!
You take that back!
But I'm telling you... it's a giant chicken! 
Anypony remember the Chicken Boo skits from Animaniacs?

Awesome and cruel at the same time. Now I want a donut.

OBX themed Monopoly. We find it funny that the "Jail" has been re-themed into "Traffic Jam." I guess we didn't experience any traffic jams but it must be common around here with the one road and all?

Not sure what the tokens are relevant to. They seem kind of random. A smile? A hand? Okay...

There have been a few news stories about Beach Umbrellas flying away in the wind dangerously. So make sure you are not screwed by using these um, screws.

We don't really think $150 is that much for a little kayak. But I guess you have to drag it to the water somehow and that might cost a little extra.

Local comic shop. I know this is talking about the collectible card game, but seeing the title of this page as "Teaching Magic" sounds like this should belong in Hogwarts.

Hanging from the ceiling is a Dungeons and Dragons monster known as a Beholder. And if you see it like this, it's probably too late to run away and you probably butter yourself up because you're about to be toast.

Beef Jerky outlet. Because who doesn't love beef jerky? Oh, this is Alligator jerky? What was I just saying? Nevermind.

Fun to see the pig costume in the corner all deflated. A little creepy, too.

My friend tried to convince my other non-seafood-eating friend that this was merely crawfish flavored BEEF jerky. He still was not having any of it.

"The Reaper" free samples felt like putting little firecrackers in your mouth. We mean that in a good way.

Pet Treats? Let's hope you don't have a pet pig. That gets a big ironic "yikes!"

 Another comic shop had this ancient "pay phone" but it looked a little plastic-y it was probably a gimmick of some kind.

 We could probably do a bunch of pictures on comic book covers, and might later on a boring weekend, but we glanced down at this "Stabbity Bunny" book and thought that this poor girl might not fare too well.

We just HAD to get a picture of this obvious comedy comic called "Trump's Titans: Sick of Winning." Anypony show this to Trump? Has he tweeted anything about it?

Back at the Wal-Mart again later and saw this: the new Animal Crackers box. If we would have know they were going to update it, we would have quested to find an original box, where it shows the animals in cages. Now they have been set free. FREEDOM!

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