Thursday, April 27, 2023

Comfy Pics

 It's nice to have something to do while wandering around. When you see something worth commenting on, grab a picture. And then share it with everyone. Thanks for helping, Internet.

How are floating chairs not more of a thing? This was pretty comfy. Yet I don't think I've ever seen one outside of a store. Of course, I don't get to wander around random houses, so maybe I'm just unlucky to have not seen one.

Super Bowl National Anthem Whitney Houston, Funko Exclusive! At a Five Below. So... it's NOT exclusive? What's happening here?

Braille letters bumped into the side of a Hot Wheels car. How can I add bump letters to this blog?

Awwwww snap. This Easter Egg Hunt just got taken to a new level. 

Found a complete case in a Valentine's Day clearance section! The box with Poison Ivy even had two figures in it! Score! Sometimes random figure boxes are fun to get a surprise, but it's probably more fun to get a complete set.

I can't think of a single Patrick quote from Spongebob to use here. You can still be a fan of something even if you haven't seen it in a long time. Who won't recognize the reference on this shirt?

My friend's inner-cowboy thought "good grief, get this pink hoodie out of the men's section" ...not seriously, of course, and we had a good laugh out of it. Hey, wear pink if you want, dude.

Speaking of cowboys and traditional gender perceptions, here's a figure that breaks all kinds of visual stereotypes. Cyborg Spider-Woman. Check out those chains as the legs on the spider-logo on the chest. How can you see this and not be instantly curious of the story going on with her? Why is she wearing Batman's utility belt?

Hahahaha look at that squirrel! Is this supposed to keep the squirrels out of the bird seed? Do the birds like hot sauce but the squirrels don't? How do I get a science job feeding squirrels and figuring this type of thing out?

Yikes! I guess she's giving her consent. It's in writing, too. Squeeze away! 

Sometimes the random pattern lines up perfectly, and this tie dye looks like a screaming mouth on this Peep. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

7000 miles on the exercise bike! Not all at once, that would be crazy.

I saw this neat-looking car. I have no idea what it is, there was no text or logos of any kind on it. Did it come from the future? Why is it hiding it's identity?

Whenever you build a new house for your Lego minifigures, you have to move them in. They might need a truck for that! 

I took a picture of the ceiling speakers to share my shock when they were playing Will Smith's Getting Jiggy With It at a Target store. This was the SAME WEEK that the Oscars award show was going to be on. Remember? The big slap? I mean, it is still a good song, but I think it's a little bad taste to be playing it on store speakers the week the Oscars are being heavily advertised everywhere.

It's nice to see merchandise with Captain America and not have it say "Falcon as", or something like "the new". But it's also a shame they have Red Skull who had already been defeated by Captain America. The other one. 

One car. There's one car. Gotta go watch Wapner.

Wandering around Princeton and saw a giant ice sculptured sign that's here for no reason. Kids poking at it. Everyone getting a picture while they can. Why is this here again? Eh, just get the picture.

Dueling book titles for a laugh. Sure write a song, but will it matter?

Here's a brush and some paint, if you use the same tools, you can technically paint like Da Vinci did. We never said your art would be of the same quality, just that you'd paint like he did.

I was tempted to watch Everything Everywhere All At Once in the small theater, this was the week before the Oscars. So they had not yet won best picture and all of the other awards yet.

I don't remember this being in any of the Fast & Furious movies, but I believe it could have been in there. Some of the cars have been quite outrageous, in a good way.

I laughed when I saw this ridiculously big lollipop, but then read that it's just a pack with 10 smaller lollipops inside it. I liked it better when I thought it was one big lollipop.

It DID snow in New Jersey this year. We had this light sprinkle at night a couple of times but was all gone in the morning. It can be annoying to deal with, but you still miss having it. I would have liked to have at least one big snow event. Maybe just one though.

Hey, it's a Breen helmet from Star Trek! Why does it say Star Wars?

I've always been a fan of the "music video"; it's like a artistic short film with a great soundtrack. BTS song Dynamite gets a Lego set? What other music videos would make great Lego sets? Well, it's Lego, so you don't really need to wait until they make an official set. Just make it yourself!

How funny is it that they put the Coyote as the Scarecrow? He needs a brain! Quick! Hahaha.

I'll give you 25 cents. Best I can do.
It's an extra sting to the original owners of these vehicles, they sold them on episodes of TV shows, AND now they lose out on merchandising money.

If you don't know why "Beware of TRAPtrix" is amusing here, with pictures of cute anime girls, I don't think it's appropriate for me to explain it to you. The word "trap" has an anime-meaning that's probably not cool to use these days.

Anybody know someone named Lindsey? I like the cute character on this. I think Hot Wheels should do more cute characters like this.

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