Monday, August 21, 2017

Eclipsed Expectations

I'll take a break from the DC trip pictures to post some recent excitement over the much-hyped ECLIPSE! Will taking pictures of the Sun break our phone? Let's find out!

Here's the start for us in New Jersey at about 1:21 pm. Looking at the camera, not the sun. So it took a few pictures to get a "good" one!

Click on the "Read more" below to see if the hype was worthy?

It's still quite bright outside and not very noticeable for us. But this picture hides a view of the eclipse! You can see the lens flare reflection is showing as a crescent shape. So it IS eclipsing!

It's not this dark outside as it looks, we read some tips about taking pictures of the sun, and the suggestion was to put your sunglasses over the camera lens. It was getting better results. Otherwise the sun was way too bright!

This is IT! 2:44 pm and we get .79% Moon-over-Sun. Maximum coverage for our spot on the path. Right about now we realized this thing was over-hyped. If we really wanted some excitement we definitely should have traveled to be in the "Path of Totality."

The cliche is threatening primitive villagers with your wizard magic to bring night time during the day. BEHOLD! You doubt my powers?! Yeah. It looks slightly like the sun was setting but that's about it.

Our friend had the safety eclipse viewing glasses which DID give us an awesome view of the coverage. Putting THOSE glasses over the camera lens gave us this picture. Of course you can't see me in the picture because those glasses are DARK!

After the peak time, These clouds moved in front of the sun and gave us a spectacular view that you could actually glance at (note: DO NOT LOOK AT THE SUN!) It's a shame our phone's camera was not up to the task of taking a good picture. Oh well. Thanks to the Internet and everypony else, I'm sure there are great pictures of this somewhere, right?

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