Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Pictures!

Let's start off the New year with some fun pictures! Happy 2018 everypony!

Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope that this weather gets warmer? It looked like this Meteorologist purposefully picked her Princess Leia cosplay to wear on the news?

These ARE the pictures you're looking for! Click on the "Read more!"

Monday, December 25, 2017

Gift of Pictures!

Minty delivers some fun pictures for Christmas! Have a happy day!

Gotta love the Post Office for this cool thing. When do you think kids will switch over to emailing Santa the letters? Hopefully never!

If you've got some time on your day to enjoy some fun pictures, click on the "Read more" below!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Xmas Build-up

Leading up to the "big" Holiday, here's a random punch of pictures taken in December. Hope you get some holiday cheers?

Somepony made a classic children's book out of the Die Hard movie. With rhymes and stuff. Like this movie couldn't be MORE classic? How did it take so long for this to happen?

Click on the "Read more" below for some happy holidays!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

One More Train Stop

There was plenty of fun stuff inside the train store, so enjoy another bunch of fun pictures!

I bet somepony is waiting to win the lottery so they can build a train track around a whole neighborhood or something? This place gives you ideas like that.

See more train stops click the "Read more" below!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Dale's Train Station?

So... I have a friend named Dale, and while driving around Virginia Beach we found a model train shoppe with his name on the building. So what's a pony to do? Go in and grab some pictures for him!

So if you also know somepony named Dale, ask him what's up with his shop? I guess ponies named Wendy always get asked about burgers and some Dick always has to explain his sporting goods store?

Anyway, model trains are cool enough and surely there are fun things inside, click on the "Read more" below!