Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Xmas 2024

 Merry Holiday! Let's see some fun Xmas pics! There's a couple of Hanukah pics, too. I'm not going to do the lame "did I spell that right?" joke. I spelled Christmas with the "X", too.

How about this? Fun Star Wars holiday shirt, but it comes with an exclusive mini POP! Figure? I don't think the shirt needed the figure, it's good enough all on its own. 

Friday, December 20, 2024


 Pictures and Comments, what a great team-up.

Did you go see this movie with Deadpool and Wolverine? Did you realize they basically have the same superpower? With the healing? Wolverine has those claw things but Deadpool has swords, so that's basically the same, too. They are both kind of snarky lone-wolf personalities, too. Even the actors; they are each well-liked, nice guys and increase the quality of whatever movie they are in.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Random Prices

Whoops! I usually like to post something at least once a week, does this make me a slacker? D'oh! Thanks for checking back on me. Have some pictures on discount! Comments for free.

Busted! Someone at Barnes & Noble left the clearance stickers unattended. I'm only a buck! This provided a fun bit of daydreaming about how I could save a ton of money, but realistically I'm not the type of person to put a $1 sticker on say... that $200 Lego set, and scream my head off at customer service to try and make them honor the sticker. To me that sounds ridiculous, but there's a few people out there who might give that a try, if they had the chance.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Picture Learning

 101 Things I learned from... taking pictures.

This Matthew Frederick guy's book series originally struck me a "that guy went to a ton of schools!" but if you look closer, almost all of them acknowledge another person. Except for... Architecture School. Did one of the things he learn in Architecture School include writing book series about the 101 things you learned in a school? That seems like something you'd learn there, I say sarcastically. Where's the book about Book School? Surely he went there.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Outrageous Pictures

 Some outrageous pictures with fun comments on 'em.

Leave it to the flea market, this is one insane t-shirt design. It does point out the extreme levels that politics have devolved into. To take something so serious and make a huge joke out of it. It should be noted that I took this picture before the election was held, if that matters. And of course, since it's at the flea market, we can assume it's not "official" Trump merchandise. But I bet he'd still be upset he didn't make any profit from this, as little as that would be.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Frosty Old Book

 Good old pictures, with new comments about 'em.

$5000 for a used book? This Robert Frost guy must be popular or something. Some people might be thinking "only" $5000!? That's got an autograph and a hand-written note in there!

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Dumb Pictures

 Woof! Let's see some fun pictures.

Just when I think you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this. (dramatic pause) And totally redeem yourself! Always nice to have a memorable vehicle in your movie. For collectibles purposes.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Happy Halloween 2024!

 Happy Halloween! Go out and get some candy! If you can't trick-or-treat for it, maybe it's on clearance in a store?

I don't remember if they did a Pokémon episode where they trick-or-treated. But they have Ghost types, and a lot of those have truly horrible stories involving them. For example, that one in the front is called a Phantump, and according to old tales, Phantumps are stumps possessed by the spirits of children who died while lost in the forest. Yeah. I copied that word-for-word from the game's pokedex. Yikes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Seafood and Stuff

 Hey everybody! We went out and got some pictures. Places we went, things we saw, that kind of thing.

Nick's! It's a restaurant in Virginia Beach. My friend is not too fond of seafood, to put it politely, but he will gladly go to wherever the Birthday Guy wants to go. Even if it's seafood. Check out the mermaid statue outside. I heard somewhere that all those ancient statues were actually painted at one point, but they faded away back to the stone that we see in the museums. Is that right? Well, this mermaid is painted, for now.

Friday, October 11, 2024

The Ikea Word for Pictures is Bilder

Wash your hands before you look at the pictures?

A rare pic from inside a bathroom. Don't worry, there was no one else in there, so it's not that creepy. I got a laugh at this sign, and its "bad math" over the estimated time it would take to name 10 Ikea products. Even if you were reading off a list, it would take a lot longer! If you didn't guess, we are in the Ikea store.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

El Restauranta

Whoops! Sorry once again that I skipped a week. I usually like to post a new thing at least once a week. I'll try not to be so much of a slacker, thanks for checking back.

Who wants to go out? Let's go out and get some pictures to share.

Nothing like taking pictures of the menu to remember where you ate. It's my friend's favorite Mexican place, so I don't mind giving the free bump to them. I know the Aztecs were from the area now known as Mexico, but do they still count as "Mexican" somehow? Or am I being too nerdy to ask such an odd question?

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Some Comic Shops and Stuff

 Hi! I'm back with more pictures. Enjoy the fun comments on 'em.

They're doing a lot of construction on this highway, so I'm totally parked on the road. They put a little ship in a circle on the wall over there. It repeats over and over, on each wall section, it's the same ship. I wonder what ship it is? Is there some kind of story to go along with it?

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Another Antiques Posting

 Mega Antiques! I went to the giant Barrett Street antique shop in Virginia Beach again. I've been here before but there's always cool old stuff to check out. There's a lot of pictures and I just thought I'd group them all together, so it's a little more than I usually post.

Check out the big Clay's Motel sign. If your name is Clay, get over here quick! Hoo Boy do we have a sign for you!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 Allllll Abooooaaaarrrdddd! Now leaving, stops at Pictures and Fun Comments. Have your tickets ready.

I came across these Transformers trains, it's from some kind of set where they all combine together to make a giant train robot. Each one looked super cool and all six of them were here at the 2nd & Charles store. I had to take an extra picture of the prices, I didn't believe how expensive they were, either.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Golfing Around

Sorry for the delay, I usually try to post something at least once a week. I guess I was slacking off for no reason. Thanks for checking back! Now on to the pictures:

Small golf! My friends were playing Pictionary decades ago, and while trying to draw "Mini Golf" one of the guesses was instead (repeated over and over a few times) "small golf" and forever afterwards they joke about the funny wrong guess. Kind of like when you use a quote from a movie, but like, a real-life version of that. Anyway, we played some Small Golf and I got some pictures.

Behind the Ocean Breeze Fun Park in Virginia Beach, there is a mountain of minigolf. Pirates themed. Could you tell by the big pirate ship in the lake? Nobody questions the logic of a ship in a lake. It's just a theme.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Olympics Paris 2024 on TV

Olympics! Quick let's all talk about it before we forget. I didn't know how many pictures I was going to take of my TV while watching, but it turns out it was enough to make a group of pictures out of. I didn't get every highlight, there are other internet places to watch the crazy Australian Breaking dancer, for example. But let's see what I found interesting...

The first thing we need to mention is the Eiffel Tower and how cool that thing is as a visual centerpiece for the city of Paris. There're a few other cities with huge landmark things, and after seeing this for a couple of weeks, I think every city needs something like this. Not like, more towers exactly like this, just... something unique and unmistakable.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

New Pictures Old Stuff

 This time I got a bunch of pictures from the Antique Mall in Virginia Beach. Even though the pictures are all from the same thing, it still feels like random nonsense.

The entrance. I for sure already got a picture of this, but I guess we need it for the intro. Let's go in and see some antiques for sale!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Backed-Up Pictures

 I'm back! You won't know about this, but last week my laptop blue-screen-of-death'd with some kind of corrupted .dll file, and I basically had to wipe the thing clean back to the factory fresh blank slate in order to get it to work again. Windows 10 and everything, which needed upgrading back to modern standards. It was quite a hassle. So the good news is that I didn't have to buy a new laptop! But I was unable to recover a lot of my picture files, which were not backed-up. Why am I sharing this? I don't know. Just to make a record of it for no reason. And to maybe share the lesson of backing up your files regularly to an external drive or whatever. Don't worry, I still had a lot of Minty Pictures on my phone to transfer back, re-sort, and comment on.

Is this an appropriate picture for my computer crash story? I don't know. Not really gossip. Unless it was [this person] who did it?! No! [That person] would never do that! There. That's more like gossip.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Hot Pics

 Hot pictures! Well... kinda hot.

My friend got a Hot Ones set for an Xmas gift, and got around to mixing up some nuggets in it. Mixed-up nuggets was probably going to be a little better than using regular wings, since he generally just picks at wings instead of gobbling the while thing down, if that makes sense. He skipped right to the middle one, since he's a "hot sauce" guy, and took it rather well. It was hot, but nothing he couldn't handle. He looks forward to trying The Last Dab sauce in the future!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A Lot of Flair

 These pictures are stylin' and profilin'! WOOOOOO!

So many Ric Flair figures! So much WOOOOOOOO! You might not be able to tell, since he's wearing his classic entrance robe, but these are done in the same style as 80's Masters of the Universe figures. No doubt The Nature Boy is looking to get the title from He-Man! I can almost hear him say: "To be the He-Man, you gotta BEAT the He-Man!"

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Upside-Down Toys

 Stranger Things! And by "things," I mean pictures.

If it's an 80's toy, it will get a Stranger Things version of it. That's not to say that whenever they do it, it's not like... super cool. It usually is. Check out the Demogorgon's staff with the 20-sided dice on the ends. Some parts of Eternia are similar to the Upside-Down. Maybe if those kids wander around some more, they'd meet Skeletor?

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Surprise Movie

 Coming soon? How about right now?

Driving past the movie theater to get to the grocery store, and I have to jump out and check out the coming soon poster that caught my eye. Have you seen the anime Spy Family?! They have a movie?!! Anime "movies" are not that rare of a thing, but to see them in a big theater is. I know the date on the poster is from a while ago, but I took this picture during the week it was going to be out. So I didn't have to wait long at all to see it!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Yummy-Looking Pictures

 Yummy pictures you can't eat.

Aside from the crushed box, this is a bit of a tough call for a kid. I mean, look at it! That Play-Doh looks so delicious as perfectly curled ice cream cones! But... you can't eat it! AHHHH! The torture! This must be some kind of practice for your kid to resist delicious food when it's right in front of them. Clearly, I might need some practice at that, myself!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Pinch Me?

 Who's wearing green today? Pictures with fun comments.

I know this is way past the time for St. Patrick's Day, but I'm going to take this opportunity to point out something a little obvious. As a mint-colored pony, I am immune to the pinching-traditions on that particular holiday. Did they make this sign just for me?

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Angry Hero, Happy Villain

 Hello again! Enjoy some pictures I took to make funny or clever comments about.

I gotta say... this struck me as odd. Batman... the "Hero", has a mean expression, while Joker... the "villain", is happy smiling. Grown-ups will know the story, but the little child will certainly think Batman is the bad guy here. Look at the smile on Joker's car! Batman's car has mean-looking headlights to match his expression. Batman is the one holding a weapon!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Cute Ghosts

 May the pictures be with you!

I read somewhere that there are kids these days that have no idea that they switched "old" Anakin with "Hayden Christensen" Anakin in this scene. There are Star Wars purists out there that are upset by this, but honestly... I like the change. It just gave me a bigger smile when he showed up. I DO prefer the original Yub Nub victory song. That was waaaaayyyy better.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Say Cheese!

 Pictures and more pictures! You know how it goes.

This lunch bag oddly looks like a very realistic picture, taken by Olaf. Anna is kind of looking off to the side awkwardly distracted, Elsa is staring deer-in-headlights directly at the camera, and Olaf... looks great. Elsa and Anna are like "Let's take another picture!" and Olaf is like "What? It's fine!" Brilliant.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Dr Easter Eggman

 Back with more pictures and fun comments... again.

Have they done Dr. Easter Eggman before? I don't think so, but it's so obvious now. Putting bunny ears on Sonic is kind of lame in comparison, but I guess it's the best thing that would fit with the Easter theme.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Eclipse Nonsense

Jeff Probst voice: Previously on... Where's Minty... Tevin says some stuff. Minty comments on some pictures. Will there be pictures from the eclipse?

Busted! Did you ever watch Survivor and wonder: Are those really random people, or are they actors? Boom! Tevin is listed as an actor, right on the screen! Of course, if they ARE all pulled from the same pool of people, it is possible that there would be some "regular" people, who would then "also" be actors. On other stuff. Not on Survivor. Did that make sense? Still, very funny to see that on the TV, unhidden.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Hey Soos

 Pictures! Starring Minty as... Minty. Do I need any other credits?

1961. Rawhide. You know, the old TV show with the really cool intro music [Keep them doggies movin' RAWHIDE! insert whip-cracking noise!]. I got a good laugh out of the end credits for this one episode. The guy's name was Jesus. Of course in the episode, they spoke his name with the Spanish accents. Can you blame the guy who typed his name as "Hey Soos"? HA! It might have been done on purpose in 1961 having "Jesus" in the credits might have made people uncomfortable. Still, it's funny, right?

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Secret Recipe

 This installment of the Minty Show, we have a cooking segment! Followed by some regular random pictures. Enjoy the show!

The last time we visited family, we had a meal with amazing roasted potatoes. When we asked for the recipe, we were handed this box. So... let's try and make some amazing roasted potatoes ourselves!

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Gum-Gum Pictures

 You found it! All of my pictures, here together in One Piece!

In the anime, and Netflix live-action anime, One Piece, this gum gum fruit gave the main character Luffy super powers. He has super-stretchy limbs. It probably won't do the same for you, but it's a clever bit of merchandising anyway.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Pictures Collection

 Back again with pictures to share, Thanks for checking in on me and my silly pictures.

Okay well, this picture is a mess. They are working on a sequel to Beetlejuice, Aquaman just had a sequel released, I can't tell by that picture which version of the Willy Wonka movie it is, There's way more than 3 Pokemon movies why sell only a set of three, and more than 2 Trolls movies I don't know which two from this cover. Do they even care at this point? How about they start selling movies in those blind boxes? Maybe with Forrest Gump, you never know which one you'll get.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Merry Buc-ee's!

 More pictures! Huzzah!

I had this picture left over from last Xmas. Here was a Buc-ee's Beaver lawn decoration. How much longer until Buc'ee's is overwhelmingly everywhere? I don't mean that in a bad way. I look forward to it. This happy beaver is such a great mascot.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


 Yikes, sorry for the weeks off, I thought I had scheduled some stuff to autopost, but it looks like I'm a slacker instead. Here's a thing we went to plus some other random pics...

Anybody ever been to Top Golf? Um, is that one word? Topgolf? Or like... TopGolf? They didn't put any spaces in the sign. So maybe I should have used all caps. TOPGOLF. Eh, whatever. We went there, so of course I got some pictures. If you have not been, you can see what it's like.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Big Discount

 Hi! Welcome back! Or just Welcome!, In case this is your first time here.

What a punch in the gut, if you bought this massive plush Dale The Dino when it first came out. Originally priced at $700, it's now only $350! AND, it looks like if you had some kind of coupon, you'd save another $87.50. You might still think that $262.50 is a lot, but that's a whole lot better than $700. There's still a sign next to it, encouraging you to take a selfie with it. So the advertising for them is free. Hey, it worked on me!

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Taylor Swift Bowl 58

 Sunday was the Superbowl, Monday everyone talked about it, and now that it's Wednesday, everybody has already forgotten about football. But, I got pictures to share. Does anybody care anymore?

Let's face it, the NFL owes this girl bigtime. If you didn't know, one of the players for the Kansas City Chiefs, Travis Kelce, started "dating" Taylor-freaking-Swift early in the season. It's a totally cute story, but the result is that sooooo many more people were interested in football this year. Here she is with other musician Ice Spice. Sorry I don't recognize the guy there, is that Ice Spice's brother, maybe? They have similar hair styles. Maybe his name is Water Spice?

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Pictures at Steak

 Back again with some tasty pictures and comments.

Texas Roadhouse has great steaks but let's also remember that the baked potatoes are amazing, too. This might be the 100th picture I've taken of a meal from there. Maybe not, but it feels like it. Am I that annoying pony who always post pictures of their meals? Sorry?

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Minty Season

 Hey y'all. More pictures with fun comments.

It would have been so much trouble to drive closer to that sign in the Chic Fil-A parking lot, those things are a nightmare! But it says "Tis the season to be Minty!" There's water spots on the windshield, too. Hey, I got the picture. Don't I get points for effort?

Saturday, January 27, 2024

WaTetris Piece

 Beep... beep... beep... BEEP! Go! Pictures!

Waluigi has been around for a long time, making his debut in Mario Tennis in the year 2000. It took this long for me to look at his hat and think... you know, that looks like a Tetris piece! It's not an upside-down "L" after all!

Monday, January 22, 2024

All Aboard!

 The Minty Train arrives with a fresh batch of pictures to share.

Each letter cost $4, how much is your name worth? Um, in train cars. I didn't mean anything else by that.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

1989 Minty's Version

 How about we do pictures, again?

Remember that album you own? How about you buy it again? In an effort to "stick it" to "big greedy music industry" Taylor Swift has re-recorded her old albums. Now she gets almost all the money from the sales, instead of whatever record label she was on a long time ago. They didn't really "own" her songs, just those original recordings, if that makes sense. What a wholesome thing to notice that her many fans are happily re-buying them. And to make it better, Target has FOUR versions of the new one just released! Now you can buy it again... four more times! Yay!

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Daily Dose of Minty

 Picture party time! Eh, nobody's that excited, are they? It's just pictures with comments.

Where have I seen this character before? Research says it's Chika Fujiwara from Kaguya-sama: Love is War. Huh? Never heard of it. Then it hits me. I have a friend who always shows me these internet clip compilation videos called Daily Dose of Internet. And every "show" they play this clip from the end credits of the anime with this dancing girl. ...COOL! Guess who got this for Xmas?! They were very happy to get it. Turns out that dance sequence has tumbled into a meme and is really popular all by itself at this point. Maybe I should check out the anime it's from. Dancing girl is adorable.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Make it Soap!

 Happy New Year! Enjoy some fun pictures I got to share.

I was surprised one day with an unexpected package; someone just randomly sent me this bar of Jean-Luc Picard's Make it Soap! I couldn't stop laughing! Amazon is saving paper and not including packing slips, so this was the only thing in the package. Yet I knew right away who sent it. I'd get all sappy describing how this cheered me up; I think random package deliveries should be a new trend.