Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Food Stuff

Hi everypony! I'm usually photographed along with things that are bizarre, weird, or just plain demand to be shared in a sort of "can you believe this?" way. Here are a few pictures and some thoughts about 'em. Hope you enjoy!

Okay, This is a real thing? I know I shouldn't judge before I've tried it, but honestly my tummy hurts just thinking about how bad this must be for a pony's health. I wonder if it's financially viable to put random junk on a menu as a dare, if "flavor curiosity" can tempt enough people to try this thing?

Here was a funny package I saw in the grocery store. I'm sure a graphic artist had a lot of fun hiding these nuggets in the plants. But when I glanced down and saw this I imagined huge deep-fried whole dinosaurs and got a strange queasiness thinking of the giant vat of grease that would be needed to deep-fry something that big.

Look at the size of this drink! I don't drink myself, but I did enjoy the paper umbrella.

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