Friday, July 26, 2013

First Zoo Visit

We went to "America's 1st Zoo" in Philadelphia, and I made all sorts of new friends!

This bird was LOUD! I wonder why it felt the need to be so loud? Might benefit from some therapy...

 Click on the "Read more" to meet some more of my new friends!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Words up!

The saying is something like "Every picture is worth a thousand words." I know you probably don't want me to ramble on with that much writing so I'll keep my picture's stories quite a bit shorter that 1000 words.

I'm not sure how it is where you are from, but we haven't seen these throw-change-in-'em toll booths in a while. It was fun to hurl money out of the car. The story here is that while taking this picture, the "Paid Thank You!" sign turned back into a "Toll $1.50" sign. Not wanting to risk any sort of ticket, we hurled another $1.50 into the machine. So this picture (and accompanying story) wound up costing us $1.50...

Click on the "Read more" for a few more random pics and stories?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Twinkie Pie

I noticed that I post a lot about various foods. Tasty things generally make little ponies happy, so I guess I enjoy sharing things that I find tasty maybe you find them tasty, too?

So what's the big deal here? In case you missed the news about a year ago, these things were suddenly vanished from the world. But happiness magic of some kind prevailed, and yesterday was the big return of the Twinkie.

Yay just as tasty as I remembered. So if you've never had a Twinkie before, you are in luck because you almost never had the chance to taste it. Maybe a snack is not THAT big a deal, but maybe there's a lesson here about not taking things for granted and enjoying them while you can, because who thought a silly little treat would be missed like this? Okay let's not over-think this and just enjoy a tasty snack?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Summer Bikerides

Hi everypony! We went for a bike ride and got a couple of pictures out of it. Okay I guess there's exercise or something, too...

It doesn't quite look like it from this picture, but this flock of geese (geeses?) was extra big. Almost scary-goose apocalypse-big. They were nice and moved out of the way. (creepily slow...)

We came across this obsticle course thing. Looks kinda like you climb to the top and then across the rope bridges. I hope they put up nets before ponies go up there!

Completely empty football field at a High School. According to the various signage, this mascot is a Northern Knight. We rode a few laps around it.

Here's a fountain near the Library. It was 94º outside and we wanted to jump in! Instead we threw in a penny and made a wish. No, I can't tell you what the wish was, then it won't come true!? That's how it works, right?

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Mall Sightings

Out at Garden State Plaza shopping mall and saw a few oddities we HAD to get pictures of to share with all of my little ponies who read this. So for the both of you... enjoy! (haha I hope there are more than a couple ponies who read this!)

Somepony who works at a mall knows what an Ejector Pit is, but we can all imagine something much more fun from a locked door with that label on it. Don't be bad little ponies or else you get put in... The Ejector Pit!

This rediculously small escalator was too funny not to get a picture of. Why not just put in a ramp? (I'm in this picture somewhere can you spot me?)

Now this Titanic tea bag holder crosses a line. Kinda inappropriate you think? We didn't take a picture because we thought the Teatanic reference was funny; what's funny is that somepony else THOUGHT this was a good idea. Manatea was much better, and not included in this photo was a dinosuar called Tea Rex.)

Bonus Picture: SUPER MOON! When did this become "a thing?" But that night was the-moon-is closest-to-the-Earth night so we went out and grabbed a picture. The way it's advertised you'd think it would fill the sky but it looked pretty much the same to us...