Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Test Track

Test Track is one of the best rides at Epcot! The theme is that you are designing a new car and need to test it out. And by "test it out" we mean "ride a roller coaster!" Here's a bunch of pictures, not too many this time.

I bet Chevrolet wanted their name to be bigger than the coaster's name here.

Test the clicking of the "Read more" below?

You start out at a big touch-screen and design a car by picking parts and stuff. Here's what we ended up with. Looks fast!

Waiting in the line queue. Here's a turbo engine. We definitely put a turbo engine in our car.

After the ride, you can see how many points your car scored. Go on it again to see if you can design a better car?

 Now Minty is a model showing off this sports car? Fun story here; a little girl ran over and picked me up while we were trying to take this picture! Isn't blogging fun?! I was returned safe and sound.

I thought I took more pictures of this stuff, but your car is saved to your park pass, and you can take it around to all sorts of games and stuff. Make a commercial, send email pictures of it, or race it around this track! So much fun.

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