Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Riding Around

This bunch of pictures if from our bike rides, something we can get away with normally in the Age of Covid. There are some routes we have avoided, like the state park and Princeton, since we don't know what's-what with masks and all. But there are still plenty of other directions to go and fun things to see.

If this tree fell down and nobody was around to hear it, did it make a sound? Who wants some philosophy with their exercise?

Tried to get a zoomed-in picture of the insect city that was inside the tree. I should say something here about what happens when your world comes crashing down around you? Literally for those bugs. My friend can sympathize with that.

Even with all of the Covid restrictions, looks like somebody is still keeping this yearly "streak" going. Hey I guess they want to be comfortable walking around the creepy woods. That's all that's going on here.

Most people do not think about corn fields when you say "New Jersey" but there are tons of them around us. I think the word "surrounded" would apply.

Hmm.. Don't remember this fence being here. This is in the area we call Deer Alley, so this must have been a common thing for them to visit this drainage system and crossing the street right behind us.

We saw this deer on the other side of the street and managed to shoo it back into the forest. Good thing it was a Sunday and there's not a ton of traffic over here right now. 

This bridge graffiti has been here for as long as we can remember. Does nobody in the city council think they need to clean this up? I wanted to get a picture of it in case is disappears one day, but also since it's been here for so long, maybe we could add our own tag up here? Haha that's funny to think about but we could never really do it.

Cherry tree! We have those on Fort Pillow, our Animal Crossing island, so it was fun to see them.

Are these Purple Pansies? We got those on Fort Pillow, too! Is it sad or cool that we recognize "flowers" from a video game, and that's somehow a thing? Who says games can't teach you things? These are pansies, right? They look like the ones in the game.

Ruth's Chris is a mega-expensive steak restaurant, and you think they give you a discount for having to eat outside? It was early afternoon so nobody eating and no "good smells" coming from over here yet.

Nice to see this fountain going, we were 95% close to riding the bike through it, it was so hot that day. Not quite sure what stopped us. 

Tried to take a picture of this large moth butterfly on these flowers but just had the wrong angle. He was polite enough to wait for a moment, thanks anyway.

Wandering around and found this upper-level parking lot with this harsh barrier. The truck version of Limbo!

Looking down this line of trees, looks like there's some trunks missing over there to the right. This is the type of silly wall you would find in a video game that your character couldn't pass despite the small but easily passable space around the trees.

I've probably taken this exact picture before, but I still wonder if there's anything special about that lone tree all the way out there. I'd feel a little silly walking so far away there to check all by myself. Maybe we could bring something with us to leave in case there's nothing, the next person would find what we left and it would be special for them.

Another new path explored finds us this cemetery in front of a very Hogwarts-looking building.

We're not exactly close to Princeton the School, but I guess this might still be close enough to be Princeton the city. Some kind of historic church.

Always fun to see those air condition units in the windows of these old buildings. Go technology! It can be old but comfortable, too.

Awww yeah, that's some nice Church. People really care about these things, that's why they always look amazing. And regular office buildings looks so plain in comparison.

 Is Potions Class over here? Good ole' Harry Potter movies and how now whenever you see an old castle-looking building you think of Hogwarts.

 This odd bunker structure attached to the side of the castle totally looks like the entrance to the underground secret lair. There's a modern-tech keypad on the door and everything. Are Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in there? or Hydra?

 Didn't expect to see a fountain running. But it's nice to see anyway. Take some of THAT, Covid!

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