Thursday, July 15, 2021

More Fleas

 Another batch of pictures from our Saturday-wasting trip out to the Englishtown Flea Market.

Hmm... Should shopping in a dirt field make us imagine a different world? What if there was no such thing as Malls or Grocery Stores? Is it fun to think of that, or like... depressing? Should we appreciate society more? How about I cut it with the philosophy and stick to the funny comments.

We have laser engraving machines at work, so we could have asked if they have any blank ones, so we could engrave "Minty" on it. Minty is not a very common name so I'm not surprised they don't have it. They should be funny and have a "Bort" one there... just as a joke. That's from a Simpsons episode.

Sometimes you get surprised by total nightmare fuel. So let's get a picture to share? Hmm... sorry. Is that mean of me, or did you want to see insane stuff like this?

Looks like a baby took his milk bottle and did some graffiti on the side of that van. Child prodigy?

Good for you, mannequin! You sold whatever you were wearing! It's always funny to take pictures of the mis-dressed mannequins but I don't every recall one not wearing anything at all.

This one is missing it's whole upper half! Was there an accident with that trampoline?

I don't know what this is talking about, those animals look cool! Haha just kidding. This is an example of the tobacco industry being forced to make anti-smoking ads, so they make them in a way that seems like they are against it, but cleverly still advertising it.

I'm not sure if they were really selling ice cream out of this truck. It was cool seeing it anyway.

Who doesn't want a skull shirt? Everybody should have a skull shirt in their closet, right? No?

As a teenager my friend had a giant hand-held camera similar to this, except they also had basically a full VCR on their waste, too. It might be fun to get this, but we are already carrying around a much better video camera; taking pictures with it right now!

How do you buy a cash register? Where else would you put the money? Haha think about that paradox for a second...

Taking this picture for my friend who shall remain anonymous. What are the odds you'd be a Betty Boop fan and this antique thing has YOUR name on it? Boop oop a doop!

Hmm... what could we sell? There's all kinds of available spots. When I stopped to take this picture, I was punched in the face with "weed smell" so one of these closed-up places probably sells it. Legal in New Jersey these days, if you needed to know.

Haha Target exclusive! That doesn't count at a flea market, obviously.

Oh, no! What has happened to you, Pikachu?! We have to get you to the Pokecenter right away! Maybe Nurse Joy can fix you up.

I'm not sure, but I think you can flip these inside-out to cheer them up from grumpy to happy. I figured it out!

Animated Fidget Spinners! You guys are a few years too late with that idea.

Happy Mouse is going to blow! Some bubbles! You know where to press to make that happen. His shirt is all pulled up, and he's not wearing any pants! C'mon, they knew what they were doing.

Millions of peaches, peaches for me. Is that how the song goes? That's what I remember.

Funny they are using Guitar Hero controllers over there. They must come alive at night and play.

It might be fun to get one of these signs if you can re-program it to say anything. Maybe next time I'll have to ask about them.

Minty-colored cars! Great, now I'm thirsty.

Yikes! Is that what The Burger King used to look like? You want to buy Whoppers from that guy? He looks like an 80's cartoon villain who would take your Whoppers away rather than sell them to you.

Some of these places are so overwhelming with all of the stuff!! Surely there's some treasures buried in this place,... somewhere.

What a lamp? We were getting Christmas Story vibes from this, but the Leg Lamp is still more outrageous. We still thought about it when we saw this, though.

We have a friend who recently sold his old drum set at a yard sale, is this it? Bu-dum... Chee! Lol typing the drum sounds.

The bubble-wrap-popping-simulator is the new fidget spinner. Flip it over and re-pop it! We have not gotten one of these to test out if they are as addictive as they say they are.

Saw some Pokemon cards there, no riots around this table. I wonder if they would limit me to two packs like Target did?

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