Thursday, December 23, 2021

Thanksgiving Leftovers 2021

 There were too many pictures from our recent Thanksgiving travels for one post, so have another bunch of 'em. Is this a little like having Thanksgiving leftovers for Xmas?

Still had a few more pictures from the big gaming store. My friend has a few fond memories here from playing the collectable card games oh... about 20 years ago. So yeah this place has been here for a while, and I'll try to make this quick so my friend doesn't start to feel ...old, or anything.

$90 for an original Zartan! Back in the 80's, you had to save up points and mail away for that guy. He included a "garbage bin" full of scrap that could be assembled into his little swamp ski buggy. Also, his skin changed colors when you put him in the sunlight! Don't panic, it turned like a grey color, nothing we can get historically upset about.

Hmmm... how many booster packs do you need to open to get that one specific Pokemon card you want? While $30 for one silly card sounds outrageous, you could seriously spend hundreds of dollars on packs, and not get that one that's right there on the other side of this glass cabinet. How is this not gambling for kids again?

Speaking about gambling, we bought some of the new Magic: The Gathering packs since they were 20% off for Black Friday weekend. The newest set is some kind of ...vampire wedding? I guess they are running out of ideas. Are they trying to encourage the kids who grew up playing this game, and are older now, that hey... remember marriage is a thing, right?

Watching Return of The Jedi with my friend and happy to find out this was a version of the movie without the "no..... NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" at the end. It had the CG dance number in Jabba's Palace, and the younger-Anakin cameo at the end, but not the "NO!" So here's the package if you want to hunt down that particular version for yourself. I personally don't have any problems with the "NO!" but I know there are some people who do.

Laughed when I visited my friend who has many home arcade cabinets, and found this new one among them. We just watched that movie last night! 

After lunch we made a trip out to the new Ikea store they built in this area. I've been to Ikea stores before, and they are always fun to get lost in.

Ooooff! Taking the shopping cart up to the 2nd floor, and this thing wants us to survey people and do math? This elevator is huge! You could drive a truck in here. It seems like it would be easy to hit that total with a few bookshelves in here.

Glanced over to check out the cafeteria over there. We just ate lunch at Texas Roadhouse, so sorry, meatballs, no space left for you.

Once we realized the kitchen stuff was on the first floor, we just went back down. But not on the elevator we came up on. D'oh!

Minty-colored bowls are spotted here in Virginia!

I bolted ahead to check the pillows. As expected, they did not have the old name we were looking for. I've done this before but I'll point out the cool villain names on most of the merchandise here. Here we have Evil Queen Pillow Nabbstarr. Not the villain Gosa Pinje we were looking for.

They have the coolest ceiling lamps here. But looking at this I start to wonder what kind of room would you even put this in?

Pony art! Am I obligated to take a picture of this, being a pony myself? They still give it a funny name: Pjatteryd.

After I saw this, I remembered seeing a little bit of buzz about Ikea and Lego doing a thing. We bought the set with random creativity pieces.

After we checked out, we got some ice cream, and while eating said ice cream, we noticed that the random bricks set did not include the Ikea storage box thing. So we went back and got that, too.

Spoiler alert! Only if you are my friends I plan on giving this as a Xmas gift. When my friend's Dad let him borrow some for the fishing trip in the OBX, it was little squares, but he might have just cut them up himself out of these strips. In any case, this Bloodworm Alternative science stuff worked amazingly, we got a fish almost every time we cast with it.

At my friend's house in Virginia, out in the hallway we spot this bunny looking at us all creep-ily. Like it's expecting something from us. What?! You want us to get a picture of you? Is that it!?

Watched the Sunday Night Football game. Um... American Football. I'm not sure if I need to specify that these days. In America, we can just say "Football" still, right?

On the way back up to New Jersey. They are doing construction work on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, so while we are stopped, we might as well get a picture of the water. That sign says ""Prepare" to stop" but we are already stopped!

With a focus on not-stopping as much as possible, we made the trip back in 6 hours and 7 minutes. Going down was a little slower at 6h 22m. Not that we are keeping track or anything. Usually we are much more relaxed about the trip and it takes around 7 hours.

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