Saturday, March 11, 2023


 Rando Pics again. Y'know, with fun comments.

Um... Is this a cookbook for pokemon, or a cookbook... for cook-ing pokemon? Er..... tastes like chicken? Yikes!

I saw these adorable anime figures and I thought the style was awesome. They're just sitting on the table looking up at you cute-ly. I need to research if they have done any other anime series with this theme.

They've never officially said what the initials BB stand for, but that's her name: BB. Technically this is Summer BB. I've often compared modern figure designs to "art", so is $220 a good price for a sculpture piece?

Speaking of figures as "art", some of these are posed um... artistically? Good idea putting them way up there where you can't see them.

Another My Little Pony imagined as an amazing anime character. Have I mentioned that Princess Celestia is kind of the Queen, yet they still call her Princess. That's not confusing at all.

At the comic store, my friend sees this chair and did a double-take because he had one just like it! Who would think a chair could be a collectible? Is that any different than the other collectibles around here?


Busted! Disney closed almost ALL of their stores. So have a tiny one? Your kid can have one, and then close it! Tell the customers they can shop online instead.

AGH! We were wrapping Steak-Um meat slices around mozzarella sticks for a while now, and here we see the same thing being done in a store! That's our idea! I'm not mad, just... excited that it's a good idea. Um, sorry for the upside-down pic.

Mmmmmm.... maybe a joke of the day, tops. I don't think this is good enough to be a joke of the whole week. At a Starbucks.

Running out of shelf space for your Starbucks collectable mugs? Worry not! Starbucks is making them a lot smaller! Is that a great idea? A lot of people "collect" mugs but how many do you really drink out of? Why not make the collectables ones smaller?

I saw this huge symbol thing on this car, and was curious what it was for. Probably some movie or video game thing. How do you look up a graphic symbol on the internet?

When we laughed and stopped to get a picture of this bumper sticker, some people who had just walked past it saw our reaction and asked "who is RGB?!" The notorious Supreme Court Justice, of course!

Thanks, McDonald's, for the many spoilers for the upcoming Super Mario Movie!? I mean, there's no way to know for sure, but the Happy Meal toys include things like Karts, Luigi's vacuum cleaner for ghosts, and that blue thing is a Luma which means Rosalina is probably in it, too.

Blanket not included. Should this say "hat" instead?

Saw this after Xmas and thought "Yep, it's closed alright!" and laughed to myself inside.

This Michael Keaton Batman minifigure was included in a $200 set. Now available as a $6 keychain. Lego does that sometimes, is that cool or not-cool?

With so many movies coming out all the time, how come it's very rare to have recognizable quotes? As soon as you see this, you immediate think of what I thought of: "You SHALL NOT.... PASS!!!" Sorry to say I did not buy this, I passed on it.

HA! Controversy in a Lego set? With Lego constantly sticking by their reputation of non-violence, this police training set has a guy in a dog protection outfit. Which implies the dogs in all the police sets are now "attack dogs"! Woof!

This year after the 10th anniversary of the Friends minidoll creation, they are "re-booting" the Friends theme with full-inclusion-awareness. Including single-dad house set. Poor guy, but hey, it's Lego, so you can get him hooked up, right? Build what you want.

Lego giving away a free set, that's not technically a set. The idea is to add this to whatever set you just bought, to make it a different set. That's kinda a neat idea.

Is anybody this big of a Halo fan? I mean, is "epic" big enough to describe this? Those kids on the package look so excited! Honestly... I would be, too.

Hahahaha! Gauss Cannon! It would have been too much to ask to have a kid standing on the back of the Warthog, but it's cool anyway.

Yo dawg, we heard you like Hot Wheels! So we put a Hot Wheels track... on your Hot Wheels car! Jokes aside, honestly a great idea.

Why does Walmart have both tigers and rabbits out for the Chinese New Year sale? What year is it? Thanks for the confusion, Walmart!

Cap'n Crunch turned 60? I guess that sounds about right. Anybody have pictures of a young Ensign Crunch, or did he always look like that?

Eat the cereal in a dirty bowl, for the full IHOP experience! Hahaha we don't always get dirty plates at IHOP, that's more of an inside-joke for a friend of mine who makes that complaint often.

I think this is the first time they put the actual Mega Bloks logo on the Hot Wheels. I always thought the Hot Wheels just put Lego-compatible connectors on some theme-cars, but it turns out they are for Mega Bloks instead... which is also compatible with Lego. Does that make it different somehow?

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