Monday, August 26, 2024

Golfing Around

Sorry for the delay, I usually try to post something at least once a week. I guess I was slacking off for no reason. Thanks for checking back! Now on to the pictures:

Small golf! My friends were playing Pictionary decades ago, and while trying to draw "Mini Golf" one of the guesses was instead (repeated over and over a few times) "small golf" and forever afterwards they joke about the funny wrong guess. Kind of like when you use a quote from a movie, but like, a real-life version of that. Anyway, we played some Small Golf and I got some pictures.

Behind the Ocean Breeze Fun Park in Virginia Beach, there is a mountain of minigolf. Pirates themed. Could you tell by the big pirate ship in the lake? Nobody questions the logic of a ship in a lake. It's just a theme.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Olympics Paris 2024 on TV

Olympics! Quick let's all talk about it before we forget. I didn't know how many pictures I was going to take of my TV while watching, but it turns out it was enough to make a group of pictures out of. I didn't get every highlight, there are other internet places to watch the crazy Australian Breaking dancer, for example. But let's see what I found interesting...

The first thing we need to mention is the Eiffel Tower and how cool that thing is as a visual centerpiece for the city of Paris. There're a few other cities with huge landmark things, and after seeing this for a couple of weeks, I think every city needs something like this. Not like, more towers exactly like this, just... something unique and unmistakable.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

New Pictures Old Stuff

 This time I got a bunch of pictures from the Antique Mall in Virginia Beach. Even though the pictures are all from the same thing, it still feels like random nonsense.

The entrance. I for sure already got a picture of this, but I guess we need it for the intro. Let's go in and see some antiques for sale!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Backed-Up Pictures

 I'm back! You won't know about this, but last week my laptop blue-screen-of-death'd with some kind of corrupted .dll file, and I basically had to wipe the thing clean back to the factory fresh blank slate in order to get it to work again. Windows 10 and everything, which needed upgrading back to modern standards. It was quite a hassle. So the good news is that I didn't have to buy a new laptop! But I was unable to recover a lot of my picture files, which were not backed-up. Why am I sharing this? I don't know. Just to make a record of it for no reason. And to maybe share the lesson of backing up your files regularly to an external drive or whatever. Don't worry, I still had a lot of Minty Pictures on my phone to transfer back, re-sort, and comment on.

Is this an appropriate picture for my computer crash story? I don't know. Not really gossip. Unless it was [this person] who did it?! No! [That person] would never do that! There. That's more like gossip.