Saturday, August 10, 2024

New Pictures Old Stuff

 This time I got a bunch of pictures from the Antique Mall in Virginia Beach. Even though the pictures are all from the same thing, it still feels like random nonsense.

The entrance. I for sure already got a picture of this, but I guess we need it for the intro. Let's go in and see some antiques for sale!

Remember these things? At the end of the table at the diner? If you don't remember, you missed out. Check out all these good tunes.

Wow. How is this in the antique store? I mean it like... it should belong in a museum instead. I know it's an antique.

Is it funny that I take pictures of cameras? Because I take pictures, of course. It's my thing.

Spock was half-Vulcan, so should he also be half-potato? Ugh that was such a nerdy joke. Spock and Uhura are both potatoes, don't think about it more than that.

The little ribbons were twisting and lit up. This looked a lot cooler in motion. It's cool that it still works, I suppose.

I laughed at the sticker of A Pimp Named Slickback, from the series Boondocks. I like his clever name. It's not just Slickback, you have to say it all; A Pimp Named Slickback. It's so much more memorable that way.

I was going to say something about the devil in the computer and how it's poetic imagery with the temptations and all, a real insightful work of art for a simple sticker, but I know you're not reading this comment, and instead wondering why I posted such a... y'know... risqué picture. I almost didn't post this but hey, she's covered up and it was in view at the place, so you might have seen it anyway.

What is this? Some kind of supervillain death ray? I guess when the villains are defeated, the stuff in the secret lair can wind up in an antique store. 

Yikes. You may have been surprised by the devil picture I just posted, but this one could arguably be more shocking. I was certainly shocked to see these World War 2 military outfits for sale. Yeah, that other picture's not so bad now, right? I know there's some er... historic... value here, but yikes. 

Ah. Let's run away from that other picture, back to a fun Lab Testing picture. I've known a few hungry labs.

I've done this bit before, but wouldn't it be creepy if you found a picture that looks just like YOU? Who was this guy?! Why does he look just like the person I know?!

I can appreciate a good embroidered design. I'll point out the directed stitching on the letters, it looks so much nicer that way.

I've taken a picture of this before, but this is so cool I have to plug it again. These are little music boxes, when you turn the handle you get little plinky versions of popular movie tunes like Jurassic Park and Harry Potter.

Hahahaha... as the laughter trails off... um, yikes? This seems a little too threatening for me. Don't be so serious, I guess.

Hot Lips! That's the character Loretta Swit played on the legendary show M*A*S*H. There's a section here with a lot of autographed stuff. Obviously somebody was roaming around visiting conventions and stuff. Still neat to see these even if it is super expensive for an antique store.

So funny! One of my friend's favorite characters from My Hero Academia is the fun-named hero who can grow to giant size; Mount Lady. In one episode when she was giant, she was knocked to the ground, as she was falling one of the other heroes underneath her shouted "Booty Incoming!" Fun to see it autographed on the box.

Must have been an anime convention because here's a ton of characters from that show. I could probably zoom in and comment on each of them, but that might be too much, if you haven't seen the show.

Awesome! I totally forgot they did a Stan Lee homage figure for Masters of the Universe.

Who has $600 to spend on a Japanese Marnie Pokémon card? When was the last time you took a moment to see how much your old Pokémon cards are worth?

The artistic font on that game was bothering my friend, so we got a picture to look it up later. The game's name is Psyvariar. It's not important or anything, but we did take the picture, and the time to look it up later, so might as well post the picture about it. I guess it's a neat-looking font, at least.

I won't go into too much detail, but these are some old friends. Not an uncommon find at these type of places, but all three at once, in pretty good condition, too.

What an odd thing to see. These figures seem to be the same figure, both in what appear to be factory-sealed boxes, yet one is um.... backwards. Did they do that on purpose? Weird. You almost need both of these to believe they did this, and here they both are.

My friend was just talking to someone about how he missed out on an early-released G.I.Joe Classified series figure, Major Bludd. It was one of his favorites from when he was a kid, because c'mon, "Major Bludd" is just a cool name. Not a big deal, but we saw him up there. Didn't ask how much.

Wow. We had all the Combaticons, the five Decepticons who combine into Bruticus, but it looks like those are much larger, much more detailed versions of those Transformers. Cool.

Monster Rancher! That was an amazing PlayStation game similar to Pokémon. The hook was that the monsters were "summoned" by inserting any kind of disc into the PlayStation, which generated a monster based on the specific disc, so all of a sudden all your other things had a hidden use inside them. My friend even checked out specific Metallica and Mariah Carey Christmas CDs from the public library to get themed monsters!

Is this my own section? Here's two of my friend's best characters from the Fate: Grand Order game he plays a bunch. Mordred and Nitocris, based off of historical legends. The game has hundreds of characters, and this place happens to have a lot of the good ones.

Another cool Droid Factory holiday themed Star Wars droid. Did they forget to give this a red nose, or is there a different droid that had the red nose?

There's a bunch of posters glued into the floor here, and this anime game looked cute. How would we look it up? We can't read any of that, and my keyboard doesn't have those characters to type. Looks like it's a puzzle game from 2001. Alright, maybe there's some clues I can work with...

Is it cool or frustrating to see figures based off of Star Wars things that are no longer considered "real" Star Wars? Y'know, at this point, there might be some "real" Star Wars figures that fans don't consider to be real Star Wars. Did that make sense?

Check out that crystal-horned rhinoceros. That's some good creature design. This bird thing has a saddle, that's cool too.

Oh, my! Oh, my! Sure, let's stretch out C-3P0 and Darth Vader. It makes NO SENSE but who cares? Looks like fun. There was also a Stormtrooper one of these.

I think this was from the hobby store after we left the Antique Mall nearby. My friend made one of these models a few years ago. It was fun, a lot similar to a Lego set where you work for a while and are rewarded with a cool figure when you are done.

The show was so sweet and wholesome, it holds up well. Hey hey we're the Monkees! And yes, they did play their own instruments.

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