Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The Best Blog Plaque

 Another round of pictures! My treat this time. Um... just like every time.

I'm in this old deli with a bunch of plaques on the wall with newspaper clippings about the place. Now that newspapers are becoming extinct, will these turn into print-outs of internet blogs? Minty says this deli is the best! Now print me out and hang ME on the wall!

Friday, March 14, 2025

Patchwork Pictures

 A patchwork of pictures I comment on. Enjoy the fun comments.

POP!! Figures trying yet another variant of characters to squeeze money out of collectors. Should we think this is cool that they offer so much, or frustrated that you need yet another Batman to have a complete collection? Either way, this Patchwork Catwoman is basically what they already did in the Batman Returns movie, with the stitches all over her costume. Can that be considered a rip-off, if it's from Catwoman already? The ball of yarn is a nice touch, though.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Somebody's Pictures

You made it! Congratulations! You win a look at some pictures I took, and the fun comments that go along with 'em.

Guess where I took this picture. Does this mean I love you, too? Just because it's on the t-shirt? I get the simple text for a city like Plainsboro, but I gotta think that Princeton has better t-shirts. The college over there is quite the place.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Black T-shirt Sports Jacket Guy

 Welcome back! Just roaming around grabbing pictures and making fun comments as usual.

I paused when I saw this character, among a selection of toddler toys. Who is this guy? He looks like he could be the CEO of a tech company, a villain in a 90's action movie, or anything in-between. He looked way out-of-place in the lineup of the other childish figures.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Om-nom-nom Pictures

Sorry for the delay in posting, long story, but my laptop basically stopped working. I managed to get a new one, it was a great sale but it's a Chromebook, so it has a completely alien Chrome operating system. So alien, the keyboard doesn't even have a "delete" key on it. And the file system is not very intuitive to navigate. The screen is like, a lot smaller, but hey, let's post some pictures on it! And um, thanks for checking back.

You know how on Sesame Street, Cookie Monster doesn't really "Eat" the cookies, he just crumbles them up and they fall to pieces? It "looks" like he's eating them, but in reality, they are making such a mess! Now... you can do that, too! OM-NOM NOM NOM!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Rebel Pictures

 Hi! I post pics of stuff with fun comments. Mostly pop-culture type of stuff. Hope you enjoy 'em.

I took this picture so I could comment on the Netflix movie Rebel Moon, which I recently watched. Ugh, what a mess. It was such a beautiful movie full of interestingly designed characters. But... It was so outrageously violent, people being shot with what looked like molten lava guns. Very gruesome, truly horrible, awful, dark, super-serious things happening. Yet, the plot was so childish. Like, only children could be expected to follow the very lame plot. The violence was so serious, yet the plot was as equally ridiculous. The "Empire" was slaughtering world after world, yet they present the premise of like, six people, who... okay, now that we got these six people... well, now... watch out, Empire! And none of them have magic powers or anything, it's like six people versus infinite army of molten lava gun tanks and orbital bombardment ships. Sorry to have turned this into a blog or something, most of my comments are not nearly as long. It's just a terrible two-movies. I only watched the second movie just to torture myself, I was pretty sure it was not going to get better, but I had to give it a chance. Did I mention it's the worst version of quiet/loud audio? The one scene a guy was whispering to a griffon so quietly you had to turn the volume up a ton "We are both prisoners, my friend..." responded with "SCREECH!" so loud my TV almost blew up! And... the figure was on clearance, no surprise.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Pictures in Progress

 Whoops! Again, I usually like to post something at least once a week. So sorry for the delay and thanks or checking back. My laptop has been acting "wonky" for a while and it's been quite distracting trying to get it working. You don't want details, do you? Nah, just enjoy some fun comments about stuff I saw and took pictures of.

Uh oh. If you are visiting someone, and see this sign.... You might want to run. It might already be too late. Check under the carpet for a magical seal, or maybe it's on the ceiling? The sign is there to torment you.