Saturday, May 18, 2013

Minty Went to Princeton

Now I can tell everypony that I went to Princeton! What? No I didn't go there like, to school. but we went to visit. It's a very pretty college and very expensive to go to. Well, expensive to go... to school there. We just walked around for free!
Here's a random shot of an old building. The buildings are old but notice the modern air conditioning units in the windows! Click on the "Read more" for some more pictures!

Here's a fountain with cherry blossoms um, blossoming, behind it. I think this is a very pretty picture?

Lens flare! Haha another artsy picture on the Princeton campus. this is an old gate with big points on it. Don't try to jump over it when it's closed! Ouch.

 There's a big Church there. Stained glass windows are cool.

Here's the door handles on the church. I [heart] them?

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