Monday, May 8, 2017


No big trips recently so it's just another collection of pictures we've um,... collected. Should still be entertaining a bit?

Have some Spring Flowers! Yeah it's that time of the year and if you don't stop and take a look around, you may just miss it. Where do I remember that phrase from?

Randomness awaits clicking on the "Read more" below?

Could this truck BEE any more stressful? Glance over and see THIS? Good thing we were in a toll line and I could get my camera out quick enough.

Here's the side of the truck, something about bee relocation? And it says they're from Texas? How do bees rent a truck? We were in New York so those bees had quite a trip!

 Full Moon in the daylight! See any werewolves wearing sunglasses? This must be rare for them, right?

 Nice picture of grassy rocks, soon the grass will probably cover them?

 Haha we like Negan from The Walking Dead but watch out he will shut your shtuff down!

 Junior's right in the middle of Broadway in Manhattan has a super-chocolate cake soooo yum!

 Froyo... yo! On the side of a snack truck in NYC!

 Haha I wonder what sound this car makes when it goes? Oh, the plate tells me?

Stopped at a red light and saw the gas price way over there. Get a picture of THAT! You might have to zoom in to see it. Obviously somepony messed with the sign because gas has not been 0.79 since like the 1970's?

Oh this has a story to tell. Was it a large person who sat here? A group of rowdy kids? Years of rusty metal? And why is it still here? Nopony cleans this type of thing up? Picture from White Plains, New York.

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