Wednesday, August 23, 2017

American History 2

More pictures from the American History Museum!

Pop culture time! What treasures were on display? Usually the Ruby Slippers from The Wizard of Oz are right in front but they were being put in the new not-yet-open section.

Click on the "Read more" below to find out?

Awww yeah! Right in front was the hat and whip of Indiana Jones! I can imagine him walking through the museum and snatching this up for an adventure of some kind.

These gloves floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee! Imagine being the guy that got punched in the face by those things? Wonder if he ever visited this?

Oh, Archie Bunker. Such funny racism.

Bert. Ernie. AND Rubber Ducky! Ernie, don't eat cookies in the bed!

This camera recorded the events of 911. It's a little weird that this immortal device "saw" what happened, and can oddly make you feel a connection somehow.

Moving on from the small pop-culture section, here's a flask from the American who "discovered" Oxygen. Like it never existed before he found it?

 I've got an idea!

Here's a picture of all my fans, yo!

An early vacuum cleaner. I bet this thing sucked.

 Aww look at this cute pug on top of this sign. I wonder if that's a mascot or something?

Maybe you really can't get a sense of how enormous this engine piston is? It used to help power the NYC Subways up until the 1950's.

Giant turbines. Can't you feel the POWAH!? Would be cool if they were running, but probably much too dangerous.

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